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TV reporter quits

left life in front of the camera to sell real estate.And the station's news director Mr. Ric Richardson is being replaced by former Royal Gazette chief sub-editor Mr. Jim McKey.

left life in front of the camera to sell real estate.

And the station's news director Mr. Ric Richardson is being replaced by former Royal Gazette chief sub-editor Mr. Jim McKey.

Mr. Richardson has been promoted to deputy general manager of the Bermuda Broadcasting Company. BBC operates TV channels 7 and 9 and several radio stations.

For the past year Mr. Richardson has juggled the two posts while a new news director was sought.

Mr. Fox, one of ZBM's most senior reporters having been on the air for about ten years, left the station three weeks ago.

INFLATION RATE FALLS FIN Inflation rate fall The inflation rate was less in December than in each of the previous three months of 1992.

The annual rate rose by three percent compared to the previous December figures. The annual change has been a steady 3.1 percent during September, October and November.

Rents hardly changed, but this was balanced by an 0.8 percent rise in fuel and power costs. Food did not change but a fall in supermarket prices evened out by a 1.1 percent price rise in restaurants.

PET FOOD STOLE CRM Pet food stole Was it the work of cat burglars? Thieves forced their way into M-M Feed and Pet Shop on Bakery Lane, Pembroke on Monday night and stole a large quanity of pet food, Police reported yesterday.

Among the stolen loot was 18 bags of Hi-Pro Dog Food, six bags of Cargill Quality Plus dog food, five bags of Nutrena cat food, four cases of Big Bet puppy food, and three dog leads.

Anyone with information is asked to telephone Police CID.

ROYAL BAND PLAY MIL Royal band play Music lovers are set for a right royal time outside City Hall today.

The Royal Yacht Band, which has played to members of Britain's royal family, will be giving a free 12.30 p.m.-1.30 p.m. concert.

The 25-member band was on board the Royal Yacht Britannia , which arrived in Bermuda today.