Visiting chef a sweet success
aspiring chefs during a recent worldwind visit to Bermuda.
Earlier this week, award winning French chef Claude Postel paid a brief visit to Bermuda College to give a cooking demonstration for senior students.
The students revelled in Chef Postel's creations, which included lobster tails wrapped in chicken breast and loquat tarts.
Although he had never seen a loquat before, Bermuda College Chef Fred Ming said it only took Chef Postel minutes to whip up the tasty dessert.
Chef Postel, who was recently bestowed with the Chef of the Year Award, Prix Roger-Champoux for 1998, was in Bermuda at the behest of the local chapter of La Chaine des Rotissuers, an organisation of food lovers and industry professionals.
The Montreal-based chef, who has hosted `La Semaine Gastronomique Claude Postel' in Mexico City for the past three years, worked with the culinary team at Stonington Beach Hotel to serve a gala banquet for La Chaine members last Saturday night.
Chef Postel owns one of Montreal's best restaurants, `Restaurant Claude Postel', and thanks to his pastry venture `Patisserie Claude Postel' he is one of Canada's most established chocolate makers.
What's cooking? One of Montreal's finest chefs, Claude Postel, paid a visit to the kitchens of the Bermuda College this week to demonstrate his world-renowned skills to the senior culinary class.