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Why I Feel That Language is Important -- Essay winner

There is a great deal of importance of language in our daily lives. Learning to be literate is important at a young age because they will need to be more advanced to meet the demands of their demanding future careers.

Children at school will learn reading, writing, and at understanding. Literacy is a major problem amongst some in the older generation. Many adults had to stay home when they were children to work and help the household instead of going to school and getting an education. Reading is important for those who have children.

Parents needed reading skills so their children would follow their examples and better at it. Reading is a part of everyday life. From reading signs to adds, tickets, bills, contracts, letters, mail, messages, etc. Letters of the alphabet are an essential part of communications. People communicate on a regular basis with email, newspaper, letter and even those little post-it notes! Literature is fundamental to creating one's imagination as a child. Instead of getting into trouble and wasting time, reading fiction and other stories can give a child something to do and educate them at the same time.

Reading books and novels about historical events can help someone distinguish right and wrong.

Reading develops vocabulary and vocabulary promotes good verbal skills. These verbal skills could be used for public speaking, communication, or even in a young man game when he is trying to attract a female. The same goes for the women. Writing a good for releasing tension on paper. Writing can be used for both private and public expression on a specific topic.

The English classes in primary school are probably the most important classes for an English-speaking person. Those classes taught me the basic skills to prepare me for high school and high school will prepare me for further education.

I am grateful for English because it helps me with my all other subjects. I enjoy finishing assignments and getting a good grade for it. Good grades give me a feeling of security that I am prepared for my future. If anyone insists that English is not important they are foolish.