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Why is language important?

is reading comprehension, literature and oral presentation. All these help us in the working world. Each and every day of our lives we use a different type of language.

I am a person who likes to read, when I read it helps me to improve my vocabulary. Every day I read something. If I didn't know how to read I wouldn't be able to go on with my life. That is because I wouldn't be able to read the instructions that will help me to do the things that I need to do.

Comprehension also helps to improve and up grade my vocabulary. When I am doing comprehension I need to sometimes know the definition of words.

Literature is a main part of our English class. It is a mandatory part of our English class, which has to deal with poetry and different types of poems etc.

for instance Romeo and Juliet.

Oral presentation is important in life too. It is all about talking with good posture, good eye contact, making your audience feel interested in what your topic is about and lastly, speak clearly and at a steady pace. Oral presentations shows your audience how much confidence that you have in your self and what you are talking about. In my 5th year at The Berkeley Institute we have to pass combined English and a literature course, if I don't achieve that I will not be able to graduate and also can't pass my fifth year English.

To me that's why I said that language is important to not just me but to everybody. That is because we use language in many different ways and also as we talk to one another each day of our lives. Lastly, I see that there is a lot of slang words used when it is unacceptable, for instance during an oral presentation etc. To me I think that is because they are used to talking with those types of words and not proper English. Slang should only be used during a conversation with friends.