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Why math counts

other all fall under the subject math.Math and many of the subjects above cause struggle among students in the country, but many of the words above, math most of all are power words.

other all fall under the subject math.

Math and many of the subjects above cause struggle among students in the country, but many of the words above, math most of all are power words.

What do I mean by power words, well power words are words that can simply bring you power, brain power, money power, career power, and any other thing that you think will bring you power in your own perspective. Math is simply what you make of it, and once you grasp it the possibilities are endless.

I relate math to a martial art like karate. The more you learn in karate the more belts you get and more new things to come until you finally master it. In math, adding and subtraction lead to multiplication and division you don't get a belt but mentally you rise to another level, the only difference in math is you can't master it because there is always something new to learn and explore. If math is a challenge for you wait to you get to the real world. If you work hard in math now the future looks bright.

Almost any well paying job with benefits requires math. If you want to be anything from an accountant to a technician it all requires math. At first I wanted to be a fighter pilot which requires everything I listed at the beginning plus more. Math is not my strong point but I know the importance if it, so with my weakness in mind I chose to be a cook.

In school my year went to Bermuda College so I went to the kitchen and saw many measurements and math once again came into play.

After about a half hour we went to the lecture theatre to have a meeting and the speaker announced that to get into the college you need a passing grade for math.

Once again math came into play. So if my experience has not educated you on the importance of math you will find out early, just in time, or too late. I will end on this note the importance of math is up to you to accept, all you have to do is open your mind.