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Wizard of Oz Hurricane Style

competition sponsored by The Royal Gazette's hurricane supplement.Howling winds, beating raindrops, and banging shutters are my most significant memories of a hurricane.

competition sponsored by The Royal Gazette's hurricane supplement.

Howling winds, beating raindrops, and banging shutters are my most significant memories of a hurricane.

I was five at the time, and although my mind has forgotten most of the details of Hurricane Emily, many still remain with me. Being so little I couldn't really help with the frantic preparations that were to be done before the monstrous weather beast arrived.

Having gotten all ready for school, I was really quite confused as to what I should be doing. Whilst my three older brothers set about securing our boats with more rope than a cruise ship would need, I enjoyed the thought of being just like Dorothy from the `Wizard of Oz', with my blue school uniform, though it would be hurricane style.

My mom was running all over the house searching for duct tape for our windows and sliding glass doors, while I constantly badgered her about the fact that our dog was called Sparky and not Toto.

Finally she decided to give me a task of searching for lighters for our hurricane lamps and any flashlights that we might have.

Poking my head into the bathroom, I saw my dad filling up the tub with water, thinking isn't this a funny time for a bath then I continued on with my search.

Then it came, as though with no warning at all. I went over to our large picture windows to gaze in awe at the occurrences outside, through a big `x' made of tape.

The lawn was completely covered in water, as though Mills Creek had decided to swallow it up. My attention distracted as I heard my mom gasp, following her eyes I watched our patio furniture fly over the wall and I giggled with delight.

After an hour or so, it was over, at least to me it was, I dashed outside to see where the patio furniture had landed, but my oldest brother quickly hauled me back in-doors, stating that it was the eye that was passing over right then.

I was quite perplexed with this idea that hurricanes can see you when it started up again. I was amazed at the amount of noise my one house could produce, and remember hearing my dad say that the walls were talking now.

Eventually, it was all over and the worst damages that we suffered was missing lawn furniture.

Walking outside, looking at my new pool in the front yard from the creek, I made a disappointing realisation. Running back to the house to find my mom I told her the upsetting news, that the hurricane hadn't taken us to Oz.

Honourable Mention: Child artist, Barak Bremar age 6, rides out a big hurricane wave. Barak attends St. George's Prep School. He used colours of blue, green, purple and orange.