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Women to march on City

increasing number of sexual and physical attacks around the Island.A group of women has organised the event to raise awareness of the assaults on both men and women, and also to encourage the community to fight back.

increasing number of sexual and physical attacks around the Island.

A group of women has organised the event to raise awareness of the assaults on both men and women, and also to encourage the community to fight back.

The march will be held at 12.30 p.m. next Wednesday, April 18, and people of both sexes and all ages are being urged to throw their support behind the march against violence.

One of the organisers, Geneva Humdy-Woodley, said Bermuda was too small to be suffering such a frequent occurrence of attacks.

And she said now tourists were starting to be targeted by burglars, bag-snatchers and sex attackers, everyone had to make a stand.

She said: "Over the last four or five months we have seen the occurrence of assaults, batterings, purse snatchings and physical abuse cases increase and we are getting a little frustrated and angry.

"I personally know three women that have been targeted, two of them tourists and the other a senior citizen, and I think it is getting quite scary, especially when they start targeting people that are just visiting the Island.

"I feel the whole community has to stand up and be counted and voice their concern over what is happening.

"And it is not just women we are urging to march. After all, we all have mothers, daughters, sisters and aunts.

"This is a march against all violence, so we want everyone to join us. This is the only way we will be heard.'' But Mrs. Humdy-Woodley said the march was not about laying blame, or about playing politics. She said it was a march without hatred.

"We merely want to encourage men and women who care about women to come out and join us,'' she added.

"There have been far too many attacks for such a small Island. People seem to be burying their heads in the sand as though it is not happening.

"This march is about seeing that changes are made in people's behaviour and letting everyone know there is concern. We all have a part to play.'' She said she hoped the march would result in Bermuda being a safer place to live and visit.

And she said people should make the effort for those victims so far.

Women to march on City She added: "We know there have been a number of attacks, but there have probably been many more that haven't been reported. We have to march for all the victims.'' Fellow organiser Kita Hill said Police and the authorities may well be dealing with the assaults, but said little information had been given to members of the public.

She added: "If action is being taken, we are not being told about it.

"Police are not telling us what they are doing. That may be a ploy on their part, but they need to do something to make society feel comfortable.

"So we want to raise awareness of our concerns to everyone on the Island, including the Police.'' The Women's Resource Centre (WRC), The Physical Abuse Centre and many other organisations are supporting the march.

But WRC has also organised a public forum to discuss the issue of assault, particularly on women.

One of the centre's directors Sharon Apopa said a panel made of Police officers, nurses and prosecutors will be at the forum to answer questions and offer advice.

Mrs. Apopa said: "A lot of women have been calling us to talk about the increase in assaults, so we felt we needed to offer them something.

"We have organised a forum with a panel of professionals who can address some of their concerns and answer questions.

"There has been an increase in the number of assaults on the streets, but women must not forget that there has also been an increase in the number of date and acquaintance assaults. They should be cautious about who they take home and whom they trust.

"This forum will address all of these issues.'' Concern for the safety of women grew last year after a spate of violent and sexual attacks on women.

Between the very end of August and Christmas there were 12 incidents brought to the attention of the media. A number of them is still outstanding.

And only last week, The Royal Gazette reported claims that a female tourist from the UK was abducted and sexually assaulted by a taxi driver who was driving her to the airport for her return flight home.

She said she provided Police with a name and photograph of the attacker, but as of yesterday, he had still not been apprehended.

The march will begin on Pitts Bay Road, outside the Bacardi building, at 12.30 p.m. next Wednesday. There will be speakers making presentations before people begin the march along Front Street, ending outside the Police Station and Cabinet building on Parliament Street.

The public forum will be held a week later, on Wednesday, April 25, at 7 p.m.

at Heritage Hall (the hall of the New Testament Church of God), on the corner of Union and Dundonald Streets. Both men and women are welcome to attend.

Police were not available for comment yesterday.

And calls made to Minister of Home Affairs and Public Safety, Paula Cox, were not returned.