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You are getting sleepy . . . More looking to hypnosis to battle life's

Many people suffering from obesity, depression or stress tend to seek help from doctors.But with changing times and the move towards more natural lifestyles more people are choosing an alternative -- hypnosis.

Many people suffering from obesity, depression or stress tend to seek help from doctors.

But with changing times and the move towards more natural lifestyles more people are choosing an alternative -- hypnosis.

This month's Time magazine features "medicine man'' Dr. Andrew Weil, who has made New Age remedies popular.

Locally, moving her way up with more than 100 clients is clinically certified hypnotherapist Kuni Frith. She has showed several people how to deal with their various problems in a different way.

This has included helping children rid themselves of frequent nightmares, and teenagers study for exams.

"This is a new therapy to Bermuda but it has been used by every major ancient culture such as the Egyptians, Mayan Indians, and the Greek,'' Ms Frith said.

She added: "About 14 years ago I studied meditation with a Chinese master for two years and within that two-year period the subject of hypnosis came up on several occasions and actually some hypnotic techniques were used during some of the sessions.

"I just picked up every book I could find on the subject and about 10 and half years ago I had my first experience with regression therapy. From there on in I pursued the study of hypnosis on my own and about a year and a half ago I attended a school in California which is the oldest school of hypnotherapy. It has graduated close to 20,000 people.'' Ms Frith added: "I studied the clinical uses of hypnotherapy on everything from migraines to severe depression.

"I use a technique called direct gaze which is a rapid induction meaning it takes anywhere from two to three minutes for a person to feel the effects of hypnosis.

"Once the muscles in the body become relaxed the nerves become calm and basically everything slows down, so it takes a lot of stress and tension away from the body.'' Ms Frith said very often people become so relaxed that they will collapse in the chair, they will let go. And people report feeling different things.

"Everyone will have a different response as well as a different feeling. The most common sensations are tingling, warm, the head feeling very light. People sometimes say they feel so relaxed that they didn't want to come back.'' Normally, Ms Frith deals with people suffering phobias, anxiety and stress.

"I teach them how to re-programme the subconscious mind through hypnosis which enables them to be able to function more stable under stressful situations or whatever their problem is.

"If there is a deep depression where the client is seeing another therapist then I encourage them to continue with their therapist, but I will teach people different things they can try on their own such as deep relaxation, visualisation, breathing etc. and there are also essential oils that can help calm the psyche.'' Ms Frith said she also helps people with eating disorders. "People who are overweight can often link their eating problem to an emotional disorder.

"You can teach people to re-programme their subconscious mind and their behaviour toward food because food becomes a pacifier, a prescription when your suffering from stress.

"And in a stressful situation people will choose food that will go against their health.'' On the process she follows to get to the root of a clients problems Ms Frith said: "First I identify the emotional part of their problem with women it is usually linked to things like menopause, rejection, lack of self-esteem and I help them to re-programme themselves. "I also deal with children and I am being very challenged right now with a child with attention deficit disorder.

This is the first time I have used hypnosis in that area.

"My daughter had nightmares a few years ago and we got rid of that through hypnosis.'' Asked whether there have been cases that a person gets stuck in a hypnotic state Ms Frith replied: "It is well documented that there has never been a case where a person has not come back from being clinically hypnotised.

"Hypnosis in 100 percent natural there is no chemical stimulation to induce either a light state of trance or a deep state of trance.'' She added: "I would be the first to say that people should use alternative therapy in conjunction with your doctor's advice, therapist's advice or counsellor's advice.

"I don't want people thinking that they can discard other medical advice or prescriptions for alternative therapy. It should work hand in hand.'' Students might find it interesting to know that clinical hypnosis can also help you retain information when studying for exams.

"I teach them how to retain information by programming their subconscious minds,'' Ms Frith said.

She added: "I have been certified for the last year and a half and have been practising for the last year and a half.

"I will be attending the college of Vermont College of Norwich University in July to pursue a degree in holistic studies physiology and counselling.

"And I will be giving a free introductory lecture on clinical hypnosis and self-hypnosis on May 29 at the Institute for Child and Family Health.

"So all stressed parents should attend.'' Coalition for the Protection of Children's Sheelagh Cooper said: "As a treatment centre we try to stay abreast of the kinds of treatments that are being tried and have been successful, this is certainly one of them.

"I think there is increasing recognition in therapeutic circles of the value of many of the non-traditional approaches.

"Actually, although we think of these as non-traditional many of these approaches are much more traditional than modern medicine which is relatively new.'' Mrs. Cooper added approaches like hypnotherapy are particularly useful for abuse survivors who have some memory blocks that make it difficult for them to move beyond a certain point in the healing process.

"It is also excellent in stress reduction and deep relaxation for distressed clients as an alternative to drug therapy,'' she said.

NEW AGE THERAPY -- Holistic hypno-therapist Kuni Frith at work.