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Anniversary Club

Congratulations to:,/B>Veronica Caisey, of Schools Drive, Devonshire, who celebrates her birthday today.Leonard Davis Jr., of Astwood Park, Warwick, who celebrated his birthday recently.

Congratulations to:,/B>

Veronica Caisey, of Schools Drive, Devonshire, who celebrates her birthday today.

Leonard Davis Jr., of Astwood Park, Warwick, who celebrated his birthday recently.

Anthony (Macaroni) Madeiros who celebrates his birthday today.

Reuben McCoy, of St. Monica's Road, Pembroke, who celebrates his birthday today.

Jeremiah Steede, of Bailey's Bay, Hamilton Parish, who celebrates his 12th birthday today.

Richena Tavares, of Wreck View Hill, D`evonshire, who celebrates her birthday today.

Shirley (Ray) Winchell, who celebrate s a birthday today.

To have a birthday, a recent graduation, special honours, an engagement announcement or a wedding listed in the Royal Gazette's Daily Community Anniversary Club, call Ivan I. Smith at 295-5881 ext. 162. (When leaving telephone messages, please spell all names).