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Asthma sufferers taught to breathe easier

Controlling asthma: Debbie Barboza, Asthma Nurse educator for the Asthma Education Centre KEMH shows how to use a 'spacer' device which increases the effectiveness of her inhaler.

Just breathing in and out can be a struggle for more than 12 percent of the Bermuda population, according to the Bermuda Hospitals Board.

That's because asthma is one of the most chronic diseases in the world, affecting more than 300 million people worldwide.

It is characterised by recurrent breathing problems and symptoms such as breathlessness, wheezing, chest tightness and coughing.

To fight this, the BHB is holding an Asthma Day open house today from 8.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. in the lobby at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.

Asthma and allergy education and free spacer devices will be provided to anyone suffering with asthma or other breathing difficulties.

Adult lung screening will also be offered to smokers and ex-smokers over the age of 40.

Debbie Barboza, Asthma Nurse educator for the Asthma Education Centre KEMH said: "Thousands of people suffer unnecessarily every day because of poorly controlled asthma.

"Yet people can control their disease and minimise incidents with proper diagnosis, education and treatment."

While hospital admissions from asthma-related incidents are decreasing, the Emergency Department at KEMH reported handling more than 1,500 cases of asthma last year. Half of the cases were children.

Although asthma cannot be cured, it can be effectively treated. Research shows that with proper care, nearly all asthma patients can achieve and maintain good asthma control, enabling them to participate in school, work and other normal activities.

And although the prevalence of asthma is increasing in most countries, hospital admissions in Bermuda have decreased since 1995 because of extensive education campaigns.

"We know education has had a positive impact in our community," said Ms Barboza.

"World Asthma Day is a great opportunity to spread the word that with proper information patients can gain control over their condition."

Norma Smith, clinical director of Outpatient Services said, "The hospital is committed to providing support and information to help clients control their symptoms. We urge anyone affected by asthma to attend our open house."

The Asthma Education Centre teaches clients how to achieve the best results with the least amount of medication. "Our goal is developing self-management skills," concludes Ms Barboza.

"Patients who become informed decision-makers play an important role in reducing asthma-related incidents."

The Asthma Education Centre handles 300 patient visits annually and provides clients with information on recognising and understanding warning signals and asthma triggers, as well as how to avoid them.

Patients are taught how to effectively take inhaled medications with minimal side effects and how to use a spacer.

An action plan, or personal guideline for controlling asthma, teaches clients to evaluate their condition through breathing measurements or symptoms.

The Asthma Education Centre is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays by appointment only.

For further inquiries or to book an appointment call Debbie Barboza on 239-1652 or send an e-mail: asthmacentre@bermudahospitals.bm.