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Bank of Bermuda staff donate to Sunshine League

Generous donation to children’s home: Bank of Bermuda donated $15,000 to the Sunshine League's Children Home yesterday in the spirit of Christmas. The funds are a combination of two different philanthropic efforts by the Bank of Bermuda. Left to right: Todd Wilcox, Denise Carey and Philip Butterfield

It was decided that a donation to a charity would be made on behalf of the Bank's directors, management and staff in lieu of various Christmas initiatives.

Chief Executive Office, Philip Butterfield explained: "We felt we had an opportunity to really celebrate the holiday season in a meaningful way. By consolidating funds for other Christmas initiatives with a donation to the Sunshine League, we hope our Christmas spirit can assist this worthwhile charity all year long in their exemplary efforts in the community."

Separately, as part of a HSBC Group world-wide employee recognition programme, Head of Personal Financial Services, Todd Wilcox, was one of 33 HSBC employees recognised out of 335,000 employees worldwide for outstanding customer service and innovation at work.

As part of the World's Local Heroes recognition programme, Todd was given $5000 to donate to a charity of his choice. Todd chose the Sunshine League noting: " The Sunshine League gives children a home and helps them get on track and stay on track, by developing their life skills and values."

Denise Carey, Executive Director of the Sunshine League, thanked the Bank for their support saying. "I really can't thank Bank of Bermuda enough," she stated.

"Earlier this year the Bank of Bermuda Foundation supported us in sending two staff and two children to Guatemala this summer to build homes for the less fortunate, so I was really surprised when I learned another donation was being made.

"It is truly humbling that the Bank of Bermuda continues to think of us and is really committed to the service we provide. I would hug every one of you if I could."