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Book on magazine covers

the `Annapurna Circuit', has already scored bullseyes in the magazine world.Two leading magazines have featured interviews and excerpts from the book in extensive articles illustrated with the author's own photographs.

the `Annapurna Circuit', has already scored bullseyes in the magazine world.

Two leading magazines have featured interviews and excerpts from the book in extensive articles illustrated with the author's own photographs.

The Royal Geographic Society has chosen one of them for their June cover.

British Airways' in-flight magazine, `High Life' has also used one of Mr.

Stevenson's photographs for their `Contents' page. This introduces his article on the thousands of years-old circuit, entitled `Saffron Robes and Anoraks'.

The first printing of `Annapurna Circuit', published by Constable of London, has been sold out. The Bookmart will be holding a signing this evening when members of the Avid Readers' Club will be invited to meet other Bermuda authors between 5.30 and 9 p.m., when refreshments will be served.

On August 6, The Book Cellar (below the Tucker House Museum in St. George's) has arranged for Mr. Stevenson to give a slide show on his journey at the Town Hall at 7.30 p.m.

FEATURE ATTRACTION -- Andrew Stevension's book `Annapurna Circuit' has been featured in The Royal Geographic Society's June magazine and in British Airways' in-flight magazine, `High Life'.