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Did Jonakia make the grade?

Education Minister Milton Scott last night revealed that CedarBridge Academy's Student Government president did not make the grade for a full-tuition scholarship to Bermuda College.

And slow mail has received much of the blame for a problem which emerged on Monday night when Marlene Bean looked to The Royal Gazette for answers on the status of her daughter's scholarship to Bermuda College.

Sixteen-year-old Jonakia Bean, who was described by CedarBridge principal Kalmar Richards as "an exemplary student'', had been told by CedarBridge back in May that she was one of 20 students eligible for the full-tuition scholarships to the College.

"Letters were written on the August 12 and Mrs. Bean was notified that Jonakia did not have the required 3.0 grade in her fifth year,'' Sen. Scott last night revealed.

He pointed out that the letters were mailed on August 13, but Mrs. Bean still has not received hers.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Bean yesterday said CedarBridge had called to confirm that her daughter had a 3.0 Grade Point Average. She said she was later called by the Minister who told her that the average was 2.7.

Asked how the discrepancy could arise, Sen. Scott said if CedarBridge can prove the 3.0, Jonakia's situation would be re-assessed. But he noted that the GPA used to qualify was not cumulative, and stressed that she would have had to have achieved a 3.0 in her fifth year.