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Duchess and Dukes of high fashion

The Duchess and Dukes of the Runway Charity Fashion Show is being produced by A.B. Dolce Productions.

A fashion show that encompasses the height of style and fashion is breaking out at City Hall on Sunday evening.

The Duchess and Dukes of the Runway Charity Fashion Show is being produced by A.B. Dolce Productions.

According Amon Butler of A.B. Dolce Productions, the fashion show will be like nothing that anyone has seen before.

The inspiration for The Duchess and Dukes of the Runway Charity Fashion Show came from a shop, which was on Till's Hill, and is now located in the Clock Tower at Dockyard.

" That was my inspiration, I have been asked to do fashion shows forever, and then in January I had a talk with a cousin of mine and I thought, 'just do it," he said.

"It is a lot of work. I have modelled before, but this the first show that I am putting on.

"It is a great thing to do, but I figured that if I was going to do it, then I was going to do the way that I wanted to do it not just any old fashion show.

"So I am excited."

Initially his aim was to include a local designer in the showcase.

"There was a local designer, but she unfortunately had to drop out because of an emergency," said Mr. Butler.

"So we will be featuring five local stores, which encompass three female shops and two male. They consist of New Life Fashions, Authentic Choices, Toxic Rose, Jazzy Boutique and Duchess Boutique."

In addition, he said: "We will also be bringing down two up and coming designers from Atlanta, by the name of Reco Chapple and from California Ellie Owens."

On the model front, Mr. Butler says that both local and international talent will strut their stuff down the catwalk.

"We have a rising model named Timothy Coles and a newly-signed performer called Muffy from Atlanta.

"Local models include Ashley Simmons, Terrae Christopher, and she should be off to New York for Fashion Week

."I am also off to Fashion Week, so I am hoping to get her cast. I also have Gaynette Edwards, Annae Foggo, Rory Simons, Darious Day, Latasha Zuill there are so many, it's at least 40 models.

"Most of the models in this show, it is their first time. I gave a lot of people a chance that I see potential who want the opportunity of getting into modelling.

"Shandre Burgess has been trying to get into modelling for the last three years and she's 16. If these girls really pursue it, I believe that they can make it."

His aim of giving younger or newer models a chance was to add a little diversity.

"You go to shows and you see "You go to shows and you see the same models every time," he said.

"I love them, but if you are going to keep doing the shows, then you need to go somewhere else, because you are not going anywhere here.

"He said that there will also be an international model scout from Dollhouse Productions, who are looking at Bermudian talent.

Mr. Butler explained that some of the proceeds would be used to assist charities.

"Part proceeds go to the Sunshine League and the Phenomenal Women Association.

"The rest of the funds will go towards sending this young man to fashion college.

"I want to further my education at either the Art Institute of Atlanta or Border College," said the 20-year-old.

"I was also looking at England.

"I want to become a personal stylist, because if I had that degree, I would take some of the ladies off the street and just go to the store and just dress them.

"I love dressing females, because it makes them feel better about themselves and they can step outside the box."

He has found that following through on his dream has brought many opportunities that would otherwise have not come his way.

"It is like a dream come true for me, because there is fashion and then there is fashionable and fashionable is the people who go to work dressed really nice and then there's fashion, which is people like me I am passionate about, I care about it, I just live for fashion.

"If there is a fashion show, regardless of who is having it, I'm there."

"It will also be taped, so if you do miss it, then there will be DVDs available."

The models have worked incredibly hard, he said.

"We have been practicing for the last three months, so it is going to be a great show from the opening to the end."

Tickets, $50, can be purchased at Toxic Rose Boutique and at Brown & Co.