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Four local students awarded Hospitals Board scholarships

Scholarships: Bermuda Hospital Board Announced their scholarship winners yesterday in their excutive board room.Pitcured are BHB CEO David Hill, BHB Chairman Herman Tucker, recipient Mystere Gibbons, Keenan VanPutten, Deidre Jones, June Todd who received for her daughter Natasha, and Health Minister Walter Roban.

Four Bermudian students studying health care have been awarded this year's Bermuda Hospitals Board scholarships.

Deidre Jones, Mystère Gibbons, Natasha Todd and Keenan VanPutten were each awarded scholarships to help them further their studies.

Mr. Jones and Ms Gibbons are pursuing their Masters Degrees in Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology respectively, while Ms Todd is pursuing a degree in MRI and Nuclear Medicine.

Mr. VanPutten, who pursuing a BSC in Nursing, received a scholarship funded jointly by the BHB and pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline.

Kerry Garrigan, Director of Human Resources for BHB, said that the scholarships demonstrate the organisation's support of Bermudian students who wish to enter the field of health care.

"We are competing in a global market with a shortage of medical professionals and we recognise the value these young people are bringing to Bermuda by becoming health care workers," added Ms. Garrigan.

BHB Chairman Herman Tucker agreed, saying: "The importance of attracting Bermudians into health care is critical to the long term well-being of the hospitals and it's ability to deliver sustained, quality care in the years to come."

The scholarships, which total $140,000, will be paid over time periods between one and four years.