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Get in shape at Coral Beach's spa!

With specialised health and fitness programmes now routinely offered in many major overseas hotels and resort complexes, Coral Beach and Tennis Club are also staging four `Spa Weeks' this winter.

John Jay Wooldridge -- last year, voted `Best Personal Trainer' by the city of Boston -- will join co-Spa and gym director Jennifer Gibbons in the five-day programme which is open to local residents as well as overseas visitors.

"There is no other programme like this in Bermuda, which compares very favourably with similar full service spas in the US,'' says Mrs. Gibbons. "It has fitness, nutrition and beauty components with the emphasis being on fitness and wellness.'' Proprietor George Wardman, two of whose Bermuda properties (Horizons and Waterloo House) are members of the prestigious Relais et Chateaux organisation, points out that it was Relais' Michel Guerard at Les Pres D'Eugenie, who was credited with inventing the `spa' and `cuisine minceur' resort concept. "So, yes, we are delighted to be offering a full spa programme which, I would say, falls into the category of `value-added tourism' -- a tangible addition to the basic resort experience. In fact, Monitor (Government's tourism advisors) has pointed out that Bermuda, generally, has been falling down in this respect.'' "We hope that this programme will eventually become a corporate incentive, both for overseas and local firms,'' says Mrs. Gibbons, "helping to cater to those who accompany their spouses here for meetings and conventions. These people who come to Bermuda, often on a regular basis, are those who expect a well-equipped gym to be part of their hotel.'' The Spa Week programme has been developed by her and Mr. Wooldridge and is modelled on the `personal training' concept, which emphasises individual training within a group. Mornings, says Mrs. Gibbons, are devoted to exercises such as traditional aerobics, step and side, boxing, stretch and relaxation classes, deep water aqua classes and a new programme called `flexible strength'. Afternoons operate at a more relaxed pace, ending with a personal massage. Lunch and dinner (which, along with the daily massage is also offered to local participants in the `day' programme), is prepared specially to reflect individuals' personal dietary needs.

Mrs. Gibbons, who came to Bermuda five years ago, is certified in personal and weight training, aerobics and aqua aerobics, pre/post-natal fitness and exercise for children and seniors. She also donates her time to pre-school fitness programmes.

"I am very thrilled to be co-directing this programme with John Jay,'' says Mrs. Gibbons. "He is a Reebok Master Trainer who trains other trainers and is in the upper two percent of fitness experts in the world. He is well known in Bermuda, having done special classes for the Olympic Club.'' Mr. Wooldridge, whose personal client list includes Bonnie Raitt, Aerosmith, the Boston Celtics and numerous professional dancers and athletes, is a lecturer and judge for the International Aerobics Federation. He appears on many Reebok videos, as well as for the Cable Health Network.

Further details on the residential and day programmes for the Fall and Spring Spa Weeks can be obtained from Coral Beach Club, telephone 236-2233.

LET'S GET FIT -- Reebok's `Master Trainer' John Jay Wooldridge and Jennifer Gibbons are co-directors of the `Let's Get Fit' programme at Coral Beach and Tennis Club.