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Getting organised after the age of 50

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Life really can begin after the age of 50
Persons over the age of 50 have a one-stop information shop at their disposal tomorrow.Age Concern is hosting the 50+ Lifestyle Expo, during which it will launch its life book for seniors.The aim of the book is to help its owner organise their life based on six sections personal details, life contacts, financial, documents, possessions and final wishes.

Persons over the age of 50 have a one-stop information shop at their disposal tomorrow.

Age Concern is hosting the 50+ Lifestyle Expo, during which it will launch its life book for seniors.

The aim of the book is to help its owner organise their life based on six sections personal details, life contacts, financial, documents, possessions and final wishes.

"The life book is what we feel would be a benefit to anyone, but particularly those of advancing years, so that they can get themselves organised," said Liz Ward.

"In other words, this is somewhere you can record all of those things that are all over your house where they are, where they might be, how long you have to keep stuff for, what you should be thinking about."

The book should then be given to a loved one or placed somewhere it would be easy to find in case of emergency, she added.

She said the final wishes section was added to help people make their preferences known to loved ones.

"Do you want to be cremated or to be buried? Where do you want to be buried? Who do you want to participate in the service?

"Where do you want your ashes scattered? Do you want a Bermuda cedar coffin? All of these things are what people grapple with when they lose a loved one. But this way, you can either sit down with a loved one or do it yourself."

The life book features key numbers for seniors such as Meals on Wheels, health clinics, the National Office for Seniors and Physically Challenged and the Department of Financial Assistance.

The book was sponsored by Allied World and is free to all Age Concern members. Anyone else interested can sign up on the day for $20 and get the book.

The 50+ Lifestyle Expo will feature over 50 stalls related to senior living.

"What we are trying to do with this is to show those over 50 and those who have reached retirement age that there are all sorts of options and that it is not just about health issues, although they are extremely important," said Mrs. Ward.

The event will be held be at CedarBridge Academy from 9.55 a.m. until 5.45 p.m.

Tickets $20, are available at the door or at Age Concern at 25 Point Finger Road.

The Bermuda Diabetes Association is to hold its annual 5K Friends and Family Walk to Fight Diabetes from 8.45 a.m. The walk starts and ends at CedarBridge Academy that day.