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Hurricane winds and a hearty celery soup

Are we all still here? If this gets printed then I'm presuming we weren't blown off the face of the earth by the 'wind' this week.

I understand that Monday's storm was not officially a hurricane, but I would like to invite the weather station personnel into our home for the next round of blustery gales.

In fact, I'd need everyone to congregate in our bedroom to get the full effect of living on top of a hill with three outer-facing walls during a storm. I absolutely love being cozy in bed and hearing the wind and rain outside, but even I was a little worried on Monday. Not only was I concerned we would lose the roof, but I was also worried I would be picked up out of my bed and dumped in the middle of the Atlantic. I am a horrible swimmer but I was also wearing rubbish pajamas. The shame!

So, despite feeling all warm and fuzzy after Valentine's Day, life has got a little chilly. Although my Mum would still classify our weather as 'positively tropical darling!', after four years in Bermuda I now reserve the right to wear boots and a scarf at the first hint of wintry weather. I don't think I wore anything warmer than a t-shirt my first year here, but it's amazing how quickly those long hot days of summer can re-set your thermostat.

This means that I have been making endless amounts of soup and stews to warm us up in the evenings. I am personally keeping Belco in business by running the heaters non-stop, but there's nothing quite as comforting as a steaming bowl of soup when you are freezing. However, having exhausted all the other ingredients in the house apart from some celery and a few potatoes, last night I conjured up one of my old favourites celery soup.

Now remember that I am not a natural born nutritionist. Given half the chance, I would eat iced buns and potato chips for breakfast, so I'm not going to tell you that celery soup is yummy if it's not. But two things happened to me when I went through my nutritional training, the first is that I learnt the value of foods that can 'do jobs' for your body, and the second is that I finally understood that healthy food really can be tasty.

As boring as celery soup sounds, this recipe is actually delicious with an intense flavour and a creamy consistency. It's also extremely healthy for your heart. Celery contains something called 3-n-butyl phthalide, which has been shown to lower blood pressure. It also stimulates the production of bile acids, which actively helps to lower total cholesterol. So this is just one example of how food can actually work in your favour and it's a mindset that I encourage you to adopt. If we only put things in our mouths that nourished our bodies (and I would argue that junk food does in effect malnourish you), then we wouldn't be facing the health crises we are today.

So give my celery soup a try over the weekend (see recipe below). I guarantee you'll love it and it'll warm you up in the process!

The advice given in this article is not intended to replace medical advice, but to complement it. Always consult your GP if you have any health concerns. Catherine Burns is a fully qualified Clinical Nutritionist. She can be contacted on clinicalnutrition@gmail.com