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'I use photography as therapy sometimes'

'I gave in': Pierangelo Lanfranchi at his day job - running the Harbour Front Restaurant.

Pierangelo Lanfranchi's photography exhibition has opened at the Common Ground Café, on Chancery Lane, and here he spoke to Rene Hill about his craft.

How and when did you get into photography?

I got into photography about ten years ago, when friends of mine bought me a digital camera for my birthday.

Is your camera always with you or do you have set days when you go out and shoot?

I have a camera always with me, not for paparazzi moments but just in case something happens and I wish to record it.

Where does your inspiration come from?

I get inspired by the state of mind I feel at that particular moment in my life. It could be I feel happy, annoyed or even upset, but they all motivate me one way or another to get out there and start shooting. You will ask me what do you shoot when you are upset? Well, if I am stressed about something I find it hard to sleep and I usually get up early and that is the best time to get out and take photo. So I use photography as therapy sometimes.

Do you photoshop them to enhance the imagery after you have taken the shots?

Photoshop is a great tool for graphic designers and I am not one of them. I use a basic software iPhoto, that comes with all Apple computers, it's great. I only use it to crop, or frame the image and sometimes to increase the sharpness of the details.

How many pieces are you displaying and how did you cut down on the many photos that you took for the exhibit?

I will display 14 pieces and they are all printed on 3mm aluminium, which is a great way of displaying some of my water work, especially water reflections that I took in December while boating in Bermuda. I will also present some work of the Venice Carnival and Bermuda beach shots using a Neutral Gradient Density Filter.

When did you decide to have a show?

My clients and friends have been pushing me for a few years to enter a show and finally I gave in.

Is this the first time that you are exhibiting your work?

I entered a show years ago and my fling fish photo was chosen and sold. People who help me in the last show I had on my birthday at the Allied World building which enjoyed a tremendous turn out are too many to mention here, but I would like to say thanks to all of them.

What is your day job?

My day job is running the Harbour Front Restaurant and I find photography and culinary both arts that are fascinating to me and challenge me all the time to find new ways of presenting them.

Where do you come from?

I am Italian and I was originally from Lake Como, but I've spent most of my adult life in Bermuda.