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Inspiration came from Mexico

Artist Angela Gentleman's work has been inspired by all things Mexican.

Artist Angela Gentleman spent time in San Miguel de Allende, in Mexico, for her show 'Mixta', which opens tonight at the Bermuda Society of Arts.

Q: Was this your first time producing work in Mexico?

A: No, I've spent time painting in Mexico for over three years.

Q: How did San Miguel inspire the work for this show?

A: San Miguel is a place to grow and there are many people there who are willing to share ideas and techniques. It's inspirational on many levels.

Q: What is your medium and what is it that you most enjoy about working in that medium?

A: The show is composed of several series, each one utilising different mediums.

Q: What is the general theme of the pieces for this show?

A: Freedom, in all its aspects.