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Lodges donate to charities

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Our pictures show Worshipful Brethren who administer the Free Masons Fund of Bermuda, from the left, Sean Pitcher, president; Chris Brown first vice-president; John Dale Public Relations’ Dudley Cottingham, treasurer. Below displaying their cheques are Mark Selley, Lawson Mapp, Fern Wade and Tim Hunter.—Photos by Ira Philip.

Representatives of four more deserving charities were on hand at Freemasons Hall, Hamilton to receive cheques from the Freemasons Fund of Bermuda (FFB), meaning the fund has given more than $200,000 since it was set up as a charity itself.

Recipients this time around were Friends of Hospice, represented by its chairman Tim Hunter; Hands of Love by its administrator Fern Wade; Bermuda Stroke and Family Support Association by Chairman Mark Selley; and former Hamilton Mayor Lawson Mapp for The Eliza Dolittle Society.

Spokesman John Dale said the purpose of FFB was to assist the community by making donations which are generated from Freemasons. "We do not make appeals to the general public or sections of the general public. The Freemasons Fund of Bermuda is not in itself a Masonic Lodge but represents all thirteen Masonic Lodges on the Island. It is their fundraising arm. Essentially every Freemason in Bermuda contributes.

"Bermuda is quite unique," Mr. Dale continued, "in that on such a small island we have lodges representative of The Grand Lodges of England, Ireland and Scotland each with their own particular History in Bermuda.

Each of the these lodges are members of the FFB and contribute accordingly. Additionally the Fund itself will hold fund raising events. All funds generated go to charities in Bermuda, but donations are not made to Religious, Political or Masonic Bodies, Individual Freemasons or their families."

Friends of Hospice supports Agape House and hospice care in Bermuda. They promote greater awareness of hospice care in the community and provide financial support and enhance the quality of life for patient's family and friends. The contact person is Erica Fulton at 232-0859.

The contact person for Hands of Love is Ms Wade at 238-7368. Its goal is to help ensure that every person in Bermuda is cared for one person at a time. They help feed, clothe and house individuals in the community. They assist the homeless, seniors, single parents and children by offering financial assistance, counselling and housing.

Chairman of The Bermuda Stroke and Family Support Association is Mr. Selley, who can be contacted at 293-3121. The group aims at providing support, help, advice, and encouragement, to assist Bermudian and Bermuda-based stroke survivors of all ages and backgrounds and families affected by stroke.

Mr. Lawson Mapp is contact person at 295-7236 for The Eliza Dolittle Society. He said its aim is to help feed and otherwise care for needy people, in part by picking up excess fresh food and distributing it through drop-in centers across the island.

Their contention is that nobody in the community they serve need go 24 hours without a nutritious main dish as well as having access to facilities for hygiene and neighborly care.

Our pictures show Worshipful Brethren who administer the Free Masons Fund of Bermuda, from the left, Sean Pitcher, president; Chris Brown first vice-president; John Dale Public Relations’ Dudley Cottingham, treasurer. Below displaying their cheques are Mark Selley, Lawson Mapp, Fern Wade and Tim Hunter.—Photos by Ira Philip.