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Mozon headlines Poetry Week

The week's events, which include a performance by New York-based poet Nadine Mozon, a poetry contest, and a poet's dinner,

National Poetry Week.

The week's events, which include a performance by New York-based poet Nadine Mozon, a poetry contest, and a poet's dinner, is being organised by local poetry aficionado Leon Edmead along with Carol Clarke and the Ministry of Community and Cultural Affairs.

Mr. Edmead said he decided to organise the event in an effort to revitalise the art form which he claims died a silent death along with the original trailblazers.

"The way I see it, poetry has been dead in Bermuda for the last 20 years because when all those who really got poetry started in Bermuda like Ms Musson Smith passed on, everything just stopped,'' he said.

"I've always been interested in poetry -- mainly because I read a lot of poetry while in school. I think Plato said it best when he said that poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.'' Mr. Edmead mentioned James Weldon Johnson, Maya Angelou and Walt Whitman as some of his own favourites because of their ability to express their most personal experiences with such depth.

"The works I really love are those that use words that get your attention when you're sitting there listening to a reading -- poetry is not just to be read, but to be heard as well,'' he said.

"Just like when (Nobel Prize winning writer) Derek Walcott gave a reading at Bermuda College that Saturday morning, his poetry dealt with his life -- what he's been through, what he's seen. That's what poetry is all about -- your reaction to what's happening around you.'' The week's activities include lunchtime readings in the park as well as a poetry competition on March 27. Cash prizes will be offered for the best original poetry for a full calendar of scheduled events, see insert .

The highlight of the week promises to be American poet Nadine Mozon performance on Friday, March 26 at the "Evening of Poetry and Songs from the Heart''.

The talented New Yorker recently wrote and produced a one-woman jazz-poetry performance entitled "Confirming the Search: That Girl's Still Here Somewhere'', described as `an Afro-urban life-affirming poetic celebration of the power of memory, womanish ways and culture'.

Her poetry has been published in Essence, Ms, Ikon, Gathering of the Tribes and Lungfall and Ms Mozon has performed at a number of New York venues including Nuyorican Poets Cafe and Cornelia Street Cafe.

Admission is $20 and $10 for senior citizens and children. For more information on the week's activities or to sign up for the poetry competition, contact Leon Edmead on 293-1028.

In fine voice: Poet Nadine Mozon will be performing at "An Evening of Poetry and Songs from the Heart'' during National Poetry Week, March 22 to 27.