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Police investigate `Topless' reports

Dancin' In The Streets, includes a topless dancer.Police spokesman Sgt. John Dale yesterday said Police have not received any complaints about the show playing at Southampton Princess' Empire Room.

Dancin' In The Streets, includes a topless dancer.

Police spokesman Sgt. John Dale yesterday said Police have not received any complaints about the show playing at Southampton Princess' Empire Room.

But he said "we are looking into the matter and will take whatever action the circumstances dictate''.

The show, which depicts street music from the "Big-Band'' 'thirties up to the "Hip Hop Def Jam'' 'nineties, includes an act in which American dancer Ms Victoria Martin whips off her bra and dances exotically across the stage, shielding her breasts with colourful, sheer veils hanging from the ceiling.

The Royal Gazette received several complaints from showgoers who called the act tasteless and "out of line'' for Bermuda.

But another viewer said he thought the act was "clever'' and "tasteful''.

Sgt. Dale said whether such dancing could be classified as an indecent act is a matter for the court to decide after having heard all the facts.

Despite several attempts to reach Southampton Princess general manager Mr.

Eric Brooks, who was at last Friday's show, he has not been available for comment.

Mr. Colin (Dusty) Hind, of advertising agency Aardvark, which represents the Princess group in Bermuda, on Tuesday defended the performance as being in line with the overal theme of the show.