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Some tips for healthy eating

If you are planning to get fit in 2009 here are some tips for healthy eating:1. Read labels. Don't just look at the fat content, but also the salt content of what you are eating. Also check the serving size – a bag of chips' fat content may look low until you realise that the manufacturer is giving you the fat content of only two chips.

If you are planning to get fit in 2009 here are some tips for healthy eating:

1. Read labels. Don't just look at the fat content, but also the salt content of what you are eating. Also check the serving size – a bag of chips' fat content may look low until you realise that the manufacturer is giving you the fat content of only two chips.

2. Choose items which have low salt and fat content.

3. In a restaurant, if a large portion of food is brought to you, immediately ask the waiter to take away half and put it in a doggie bag. Have it for lunch the next day.

4. Choose the healthy options offered on a restaurant menu. This sends a message to the restaurant that its customers are interested in healthy eating. If you don't take the healthy options offered, they will soon be taken off the menu.

5. Brown bag your lunch with something healthy such as a small sandwich and piece of fruit. Lunch is a weakness for a lot of people. Bringing your own lunch gives you control over how much mayonnaise, ketchup and salt goes on your food. It also gives you the opportunity to avoid the temptation of fries.

6. Some healthy eating experts advise eating a substantial breakfast in the morning because you have all day to burn it off. You are also less likely to binge at lunchtime. Eat a lighter meal in the evening.

7. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and legumes. Try cooking vegetarian at least one night of the week to cut down on your fatty meat consumption.

8. Drink more water. Water helps flush our systems – especially the kidneys and bladder – of waste products and toxins. One study recently found that the majority of people go through life dehydrated.

9. Limit sugary foods, and choose whole-wheat options when ever possible, such as whole-grain pastas and breads.

10. Don't deprive yourself. Enjoy your favourite sweets and snacks in moderation, as long as they are an occasional part of your overall healthy diet.