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The bandstand of summer

It's back, looking brand new – and the fully restored bandstand in Victoria Park is ready to host the new 'Summer Sundays in the Park' concert series.

The series begins this weekend on Mother's Day and will continue to September and this year it has been revamped, expanded and the hours extended, with the aim of encouraging whole families to spend the afternoon and evening having fun together.

Produced by the Corporation of Hamilton, and jointly sponsored by the Department of Tourism, the Bermuda Broadcasting Company and M & M Construction, 'Summer Sundays in the Park' continues to September.

Event project manager Danilee Trott said: "The concerts will be a lot more theme oriented, and the themes will be varied. The children's section will include face painting, two fun castles for different age groups, and tattoos. In terms of food, there will be snack vendors inside the park, and food vendors outside it."

Sunday's host and emcee will be Hamilton Town Crier Ed Christopher, whom Ms Trott noted "has a wealth of information about the City of Hamilton, which he will be sharing throughout the concert".

"The first concert on Sunday will feature music by The Menuhin Foundation, the Bermuda Regiment Band, The Secret backed by the Wallstreet Band, and Caliber Horns – a really big band who are backing a variety of different performers and solo artists," she said.

"While (the programme) will be very classical, The Secret and Wallstreet will offer a nice cross-section of music: rock, reggae, R&B, soul, oldie goldies. There will also be another band, details of which will be announced on the day."

Others included in Sunday's line-up are United Dance Productions, Sea Breeze Salsa Dancers, Larrita Adderley, Sia Spence, Jonae Smith, Lillaurie Nzabalinda, Shayla Woods, Brittany Cox, Mathew Raynor, Rachel Madeiros, Ryan Bean, Ramon Clarke, and Makeila Astwood.

In keeping with Bermuda's 400th anniversary, each month's concert will also feature a tented booth where the public can learn about various aspects of Bermuda's history.

Since Sunday's concert also celebrates the return of the renovated bandstand, the focus will be on the history of Victoria Park, and events which have taken place there.

All concerts will begin at 3 p.m. and end at 8 p.m., with free admission. While Ms Trott indicated that there would be some bleacher seating, she advised attendees to bring their own blankets or chairs.

Overall entertainment partners for the 'Summer Concerts in the Park' series are Spanish Town Entertainment, while KDB Entertainment is promoting Sunday's event.

"One of the things I have done to make this series different is to work with different promoters for each month, as each has its own flavour and flair, so we will attract different markets," Ms Trott said. "Bermuvinjam is working on the June event; Spanish Town on July and August; and 441 Productions on September."

Just as Sunday's concert has been specifically planned to coincide with Mother's Day, the June concert will coincide with Father's Day (June 7), when the theme will be 'Caribbean', with the history aspect being about Bermuda's links with the islands to our south.

July's theme will be gospel, and feature visiting international artists Trin-i-tee 5:7 from New Orleans. The theme for August will be reggae and Latin, featuring an as-yet-undisclosed international reggae artist; while rock 'n' roll will be the theme of the final concert in September. Dates for all three concerts will be announced later.

Meanwhile, Corporation Parks superintendent Steven DeSilva and his team have busy readying Victoria Park for the concerts, of which the Bandstand, in its new livery of the Corporation colours of blue and gold, is the centrepiece.

Experts Andrew Laing of the Scottish foundry Charles Laing & Sons, and David Mitchell of Historic Scotland, inspected and submitted a report to the Corporation of Hamilton almost two years ago on the restoration of the 110-year-old bandstand which was fully restored in Scotland.