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June 14La Leche League of Bermuda will hold a monthly series meeting open to expectant and new parents at 10:30am in the First Floor Conference Room at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. The meeting topic is "The Father's Role in the Breastfeeding Family."Please note this meeting is open to both men and women. LLL of Bermuda is a registered charity, offering mother-to-mother help and encouragement to women wanting to breastfeed their babies. Light refreshments will be served. Call 236-1120 for further information.

June 14

La Leche League of Bermuda will hold a monthly series meeting open to expectant and new parents at 10:30am in the First Floor Conference Room at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. The meeting topic is "The Father's Role in the Breastfeeding Family."

Please note this meeting is open to both men and women. LLL of Bermuda is a registered charity, offering mother-to-mother help and encouragement to women wanting to breastfeed their babies. Light refreshments will be served. Call 236-1120 for further information.

Bermuda Philharmonic Society 'Umbrella concert' (short) featuring Bermuda School of Music faculty: Lisa Hollis (violin), Jennifer Sheridan (violin), Laura Appert (viola), Caroline Eaton (cello), St. Paul's Church, Paget, 7 p.m. Works by Brahms, Bach. Donations accepted.

2008 Capital G Iron Kids Triathlon and Carnival at Clearwater Beach, St. David's opens at 12 noon. Races begin at 3 pm . Register today at www.capitalironkids.bm or pick up a form from Capital G Bank, 19 Reid Street, Hamilton.

June 14-15

Hosted in partnership with the Bermuda Department of Tourism, the Bermuda Lacrosse Association is hosting teams from Long Island, New York to compete against Bermuda's men's and boys under-19 teams.

The event is open and free to the public and will be held at the National Sports Centre's North fields from 10 am to 2 pm.

June 18

Andrew Stevenson Progress presentation on 'The Humpback Whale Film and Research Project', Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute, The Lane, Pembroke, 6.30 p.m. sharp. Includes videos, surprising discoveries and suppositions on this topic experienced by presenter. Tickets: $20. Available from www.boxoffice.bm Further informationgo to: websitewww.whalesbermuda.com

June 19/20, July 19/20, August 17/18, September 16/17, October 15/16

Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute Glow worm cruises from BUEI dock, The Lane, Pembroke, at sunset. Cost: members $35, others $50. Departure time determined when making reservations. Further information/reservations: tel. 297-7314.

June 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28

Jackson School of Dance 'The Enchanted Garden' (annual recital), City Hall Theatre, 7 p.m. Tickets: adults $35, children under 12 $20. Available: at the school, 15 Burnaby Street, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

June 22, 25, 28*, 29*

Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute Turtle tours from BUEI dock, The Lane, Pembroke, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. *Family tours ages 7 and up. Cost: members $35, others $50. Reservations/further information: tel. 297-7314.

June 20

Bermuda School of Music Piano Festival Concert by Nestor Bayona Pifarre, Anglican Cathedral, Church Street, 7.30 p.m. Tickets: adults $30, students $10. Available: at the school, Music Box, Pulp & Circumstance Queen Street.

June 21

Bermuda School of Music Piano Festival 1. BSM student and faculty concert, school's AWAC recital hall, Berkeley Road, Pembroke, 4 p.m. Admission free. 2. Concert by Marie Blair, School's AWAC Recital Hall, Berkeley Road, Pembroke, 7.30 p.m. Tickets: adults $20, students $20. Available: at the school, Music Box, Pulp & Circumstance, Queen Street.

The Ensemble Singers Summer concert and flower festival, with guest artist Brian Jones, director of music/organist emeritus, Trinity Church, Boston, at Wesley Methodist Church, Church Street, 7.30 p.m. Tickets: $35. Available: Wesley church office, members of Ensemble Singers.

June 28

Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art Monoprinting techniques workshop for teens/adults. Instructor: artist-in-residence Frances Seba Smith. Fee: members $125, others $140.

Registration/further information: Carrie Zenti, tel. 236-2950 or e-mail edumwoks@logic.bm.