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The show must go on...

Concepts in Motion, the senior professional company of the In Motion School of Dance, presents the first of two performances at City Hall this evening.

The programme will feature 11 works choreographed especially for the show by faculty, Bermudian dancers, and international choreographers, including the renowned Salim Gauwloos.

"This year's show is a very exciting one — more so than before because the level of choreography and dancers is higher than it has ever been," Concepts' artistic director Lizz Pimentel says.

In true showbiz tradition, "the show goes on" for returning Bermudian professional dancer Tyler Barker who broke his foot just three days after returning home to rehearse. "Tyler is doing his duet with Courtney Lopes in a wheelchair," Ms Pimentel reveals. "He said, 'I might be injured, but I can still do this', so together they have worked out a revised routine."

Mr. Gauwloos is no stranger to the Island, having first come here in 2005 at the invitation of Ms Pimentel, whom he met in New York, to choreograph a piece called 'Shifted' for 12 Concepts in Motion students.

Concepts dancers have also attended his classes at the Broadway Dance Centre in New York.

This time, he has choreographed a piece for four female dancers entitled 'The Room', which he describes as "a little more intense" than his previous piece.

"I love working with women dancers, they are my favourite thing. Women have it much harder than us guys," he says. "I mostly grew up with women, my father not really being around.

"I completely understand them, and for some reason it always shows in my work. 'The Room' is about struggle, and at the same time there is judgment. A lot of my works are really empowering for women."

The choreographer is also enthusiastic about Bermuda, Ms Pimentel and her husband, Ché Barker, the students at their dance school, and the Concepts in Motion dancers.

"I love coming here and working with the Concepts dancers. They are so great, and Lizz and Ché are sweet. Lizz is such a great director, and such an inspiration.

"I do good work when I have good energy around me. I am not working with self-absorbed and annoying people — that affects me," he says. "The kids are just great too. They are hungry to dance, are no problem, and never complain.

"I have worked with Karissa Roberts, Courtney Lopes and Lauren Rowntree before, and it is amazing to see how much they have grown as artists."

Along with Tyler Barker, Misses Lopes and Rowntree (former students of the In Motion School of Dance) have also returned from abroad to choreograph and dance numbers in the show.

Other choreographers include: Candice Musselman, Laurie Marshall and Jessica Pearson (In Motion faculty), international choreographers Ashley Lindsey and BJ Sullivan, and Bermudian Jennifer Soares.

The programme will also include In Motion's junior dancers.

Curtain time for both performances is 8 p.m. Tickets ($45) are obtainable at the door from 7 p.m. or by e-mailing inmotion.bm

This is Concepts in Motion's eighth bi-annual show, and the company will also feature in next year's Bermuda Festival.