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Tiger Woods' wife expecting another child

ORLANDO, Florida (AP) — Even with his golf done for the year, Tiger Woods found something to celebrate yesterday: His wife is pregnant with their second child.

Woods said on his Web site that Elin is expecting in late winter without being more specific on a due date.

He has not played since his US Open victory in June, and two weeks later had reconstructive surgery on his left knee that put him out for the year. Woods' first child, daughter Sam, was born on the Monday after the 2007 US Open.

"Elin is feeling great and we are both thrilled," Woods said. "While my injury has been disappointing and frustrating, it has allowed me to spend a lot of time watching Sam grow. I can't begin to tell you how rewarding it is being a dad and spending time with her and Elin.

"The injury has been a blessing and a disappointment."

The world number one player has begun rehabilitation and has travelled recently to Dubai and New York for business projects.

Woods had said after he married in 2004 that he wanted more than one child. Woods was an only child, while Elin has a twin sister.