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Project Change: Bermuda going on more missions overseas

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Bermuda plastic surgeon Dr. christopher Johnson checks on one of his patients in Ecuador as the child's father looks on. Parents walk up to three days to reach the facilities where Project Change medical volunteers provide life-changing surgery.

In many developed nations, health care is beyond the reach of some, but in developing nations where the divide between rich and poor is vast, medical care is beyond the reach of most.

This June, Project Change: Bermuda, in conjunction with the International Medical Alliance, will be going on its fourth mission to Ecuador where they will provide high quality plastic and reconstructive surgery to indigent patients.

Project Change: Bermuda has been in existence since 2004 and during this time, they have provided over 350 operations to the needy thanks to the kind and generous donations of local individuals, corporations and community groups.

In September, Project Change: Bermuda will also be heading to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, East Africa, where they will carry out more operations.

President of Project Change: Bermuda, plastic surgeon and chairman of the Road Safety Council Dr. Christopher L. Johnson spoke to The Royal Gazette about the upcoming mission, the raffle draw and some of the supplies and finances that they will need to complete this mission.

"We need the usual supplies such as blankets, diapers, pain medicine, infant formula and volunteer time, but we especially require monetary input," Dr. Johnson said.

"Donations of surgical and anaesthesia supplies are also greatly appreciated.

"This year we hope to raise at least $20,000 for the Ecuador mission. And our budget for our 2008 Tanzania Mission is $50,000, which will finance the costs of travel, medical supplies, shipping and lodging for our medical team."

"We are requesting your support in the form of raffle prizes for the Health and Beauty Expo, being held at No. 6 Shed, May 17 from 10 a.m. — 6 p.m. The proceeds of the raffle will go to Project Change: Bermuda and Just Between Us, which is an informal self-help group for women who have had breast surgery and/or stroke or related problems."

Dr. Johnson was a charity-driven doctor long before he came to Bermuda. He has been on previous missions to Ecuador, working in Latacunga and Salcedo with the charity.

This time they will be returning the rural mountain village, Latacunga.

"This group (the International Medical Alliance) does paediatrics, general medicine, dentistry, oral maxillofacial surgery, orthopaedic surgery and ophthalmology," he said.

"The mission will take place from June 19 to June 29.

"We will have one physician, one OR (operating room) nurse, and one biomedical technician will work on this medical mission."

Although the following mission takes place in Tanzania, from September 13 to September 29, he said: "Both missions will be focused on burn reconstruction, cleft lip and palate repair and hand reconstruction for children.

"We focus our attention on the care of congenital deformities of the head, neck and extremities, as well as the sequelae of burns.

"During our one-week trips, we evaluate over 100 patients, providing surgical care to over 60 patients, as well as speech and hand therapy.

"For this mission, which mainly deals with children suffering from cleft lips, there may be a fourth person on the mission — Dr. David Dyer, dentist and oral surgeon, is hopefully coming.

"We are working out the details as he is an exceptional clinician and we are really trying to get him on board."

The second team will consist of three physicians, four nurses and an administrator.

"In order to provide this much needed care, we are soliciting your help," Dr. Johnson said.

The First Lady of Ecuador will be their host, he added.

"Our group has received the generous donation of a large plot of land in Latacunga and our dream is that we will be able to raise enough funds to build a free, state-of-the-art teaching hospital in Latacunga," said Dr. Johnson of future ambitions.

For more information, contact the office of Dr. Johnson, Sea Venture Building, 19 Parliament Street, Hamilton, HM02, 292-2000.

To make donations: Project Change: Bermuda (Registered Bermuda Charity 740) Bank of Butterfield, Reid Street, Bermuda, Swift Code: BNTBBMHM

Intermediary: Chase Manhattan CHASUS33 Account Number: 20006060422625100.

Nurse Farestad with one of the many children they treated during the recent Project Change mission to Ecuador. Toys, blankets, diapers and medications were donated by Bermudians