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Student performers on trail of Tam o' Shanter

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Ghostly allure: Kirkton Jean, a "winsome wench", is one of the illusions Tam O'Shanter sees on his drunken ride home. The epic poem is being presented by Warwick Academy drama students as part of the tribute to Robert Burns on Saturday night.
Warwick Academy is at it again with another student star-studded performance.This time it's Robert Burns' poem 'Tam o' Shanter', for the Caledonian Society of Bermuda's Burns Supper on January 30 at Riddell's Bay Golf Club.The poem tells the tale of the drunken Tam o' Shanter who is warned of his drunken rows by his nagging wife but pays her no heed.

Warwick Academy is at it again with another student star-studded performance.

This time it's Robert Burns' poem 'Tam o' Shanter', for the Caledonian Society of Bermuda's Burns Supper on January 30 at Riddell's Bay Golf Club.

The poem tells the tale of the drunken Tam o' Shanter who is warned of his drunken rows by his nagging wife but pays her no heed.

He learns his lesson when he is out riding his horse drunk and stumbles upon a hoard of witches and wizards having a dance with the devil in an ancient church.

Tam yells out to the group and everything goes dark. He jumps on his faithful horse and is chased by the witches all the way to a bridge that if Tam can get across he knows he will be saved.

His horse makes a phenomenal jump but at the same time loses his tail when a witch grabs onto it. Tam learns his lesson after this horrific night.

The cast includes some of Warwick Academy's most experienced actors.

Rowan Vickers narrates the play and Lilly Martin plays Tam o' Shanter. The cast also includes Izabella Arnold, Sarah Mayburry and Chris West. The group will use physical movement and masks to portray the story. The masks were made by the renowned UK theatre company, Trestle Theatre Company.

As the faces get more complex and detailed, the difficulty in using your body to portray your character increases. When going to a rehearsal, I was astonished at how easily the cast used their bodies to portray the feelings and themes of the poem. The directors are Warwick Academy teachers Matthew McGowan and Richard Cunningham. They are both very efficient and are sure that the play will be a success. The cast is dedicated and professional, and even show up to rehearsals during the week until 6 p.m., which is a long time when you are a student, and get right to work. It is sure to be a great show!

A rambling, blustering, drunken boaster: The story of Tam O'Shanter, and his gallant horse Maggie, is narrated by Rowan Vickers, as part of the tribute to Robert Burns organised by the Calendonian Society of Bermuda on Saturday night at Riddles Bay Golf Club.