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Treble Chorus rehearsals at CedarBridge

Girls between the ages of 10 and 18 are today invited to a rehearsal for the Treble Chorus of Bermuda.

Run by the School for the Performing Arts and directed by Granville Oldman, Jr., the Chorus is described as "a group of intelligent, talented and select young girls throughout the Island of Bemuda who enjoy singing, performing, touring and reaching their academic and artistic potential through the medium of a treble chorus, which will perform primarily classical choral repertoire, along with various genres and styles of music".

The locale is CedarBridge Academy, and the initial meeting time is between 4.15 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. All applicants should be prepared to participate in a short rehearsal.

Regular rehearsals will be on Thursdays from 4.15 p.m. to 6.15 p.m., tuition is underwritten by the School for the Performing Arts, the 2008-9 calendar is from October 16-June 18, and all singers must commit for a year.

For further information contact Paula Maguire at 734-1460 or e-mail info@performingarts.bm. To learn more about the many talents of Mr. Oldham see his website www.granvilleoldham.com