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Two of 100th birthday bash guests celebrate a milestone of their own . . . getting married 61 years ago

Ansby and Gladys Perinchief at their fabulous wedding 61 years ago.

When we covered Mrs. A’Lona Lambert Simon’s big 100th birthday bash in January, we couldn’t miss seeing Ansby and Gladys Perinchief among the high-profile guests.They were on the eve of celebrating another milestone in their own lives their 61st wedding anniversary.The special place Ansby and Gladys held in A’Lona’s heart came to the fore 61 years ago, to be exact on Thursday, January 26, 1950 when they were married at St. James Church, Somerset. It turned out to be the ‘Wedding of the Year’, well-attended and pretty.A’Lona and her husband, Somerset Cup Match star Elliott Simons, were a childless couple. They took to popular and glamorous Gladys in a big way. She was Elliott’s niece. They offered their home and grounds on the corner of Scott’s Hill and Beacon Hill Roads for the wedding reception, and Gladys became the envy of a host of contemporaries when Elliott and A’Lona gave her as a wedding gift, a brand-new convertible car. The groom himself had a touch of flamboyance in his younger days. Ansby was a notable cricketer who was heavily bidding for inclusion in the Somerset Cup Match team. But his chances were diminished for a number of reasons.Firstly, he would need to have been a superstar with any chance of displacing one or another of the famous Simons Brothers, Arthur, Elliott and Austin (Toes) or the five Hunt brothers, Amon, Alma Champ, Eric or Delbert (Shark-eye) among them, who together with a couple of Hazel brothers, their cousins and a pair of Durrants who made Somerset SCC practically invincible in those days. Furthermore, Ansby was caught up in the ‘across the bridge’ syndrome which dictated that no one from the other side of Somerset Bridge could make it in the SCC team then. Ansby was from Hog Bay Level.The Perinchiefs went on to live a happy married life. Six days after their fourth wedding anniversary their first daughter Delma Jeannice was born and four years later a second daughter, Sherri-Lynn, arrived to complete their family. They have one grandson, Wayne, and one great grandson, Nuri.Ansby worked as a fisherman before joining going on staff at Belmont Hotel as a bellman. Later he became Bell Captain, for almost 23 years before retirement. Gladys worked in retail in the earlier years, and then became a nanny for a few American children. Although grown-up now, they still make the time to call or visit her when back on the Island. The couple renewed their vows on their 50th wedding anniversary while cruising aboard the ‘Dawn Princess’ in January 2000 along with 32 relatives and friends.Asked what the key to a long and healthy marriage is, Ansby replied with a chuckle: “Always let the wife win the first fight.”Gladys said: “Never go to bed without discussing and trying to resolve problems at hand.”