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Carter House contest for young poets

Young poets are encouraged to get their creative juices flowing this summer — in time for a new contest launched by the St David’s Island Historical Society.The society has embarked on a rebuild of a settler’s dwelling modelled after historic 17th century Carter House.Students aged ten to 16 are being asked to visit the dwelling and write a poem expressing why they think the project is important.Society president Rick Spurling believes the contest is a great way to get young people informed and excited about the building project.“What we are trying to do is generate interest in what we are doing with the settlers dwelling from 1612 which we are building. This is being built using the same techniques, style and materials in 1612, which the settlers would have done.“[The competition] requires students to actually visit Carter House and see the settlers’ dwelling in the present state of progress and get their own ideas and put together a poem that makes them think about their heritage.“We are planning to keep the best ones to use for promotion or we may find something very worthwhile in what they submit.”Four prizes will be handed out to competitors aged ten to 11, 12 to 13, 14 to 15 and 16.All entries will be displayed at the World Heritage Centre in September with winners announced in the middle of that month.The winning entries will be buried in a waterproof plastic container on the site of the settler’s dwelling. The idea is that they will be dug up in 100 years, to mark the 500th anniversary of St George’s.Mr Spurling said: “Of course none of us will be around to witness the reopening of it, but it’s interesting to know in 100 years’ time someone will.“It further emphasises the importance of our heritage by providing something for our great grandchildren 100 years from now.”All entries should be written or typed on one letter-size page.Entries must be submitted by August 31 to Carter House Poem Contest, PO Box DD 278, St David’s DD BX. They can also be hand delivered to Carter House or e-mailed, rspurling@logic.bm.Entries must include the person’s full name, address, age, parent’s name, contact number and e-mail address.