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An excellent visit from Irish lodge

Welcome: The Most Excellent Grand King of Irish Freemasonry, Michael J Ward is formally welcomed to Bermuda from his headquarter in Dublin by the Island’s Excellent King Robert O’Shea.(photo by Glenn Tucker)

Members of the Bermuda Irish Royal Arch Chapter No. 831 were in most excellent form celebrating their 10th Anniversary with a well-executed programme over the period of 19 through to September 23rd.The Chapter is one of the higher lodges in the world of Freemasonry. Its members greet each other as Companions, and as they scale the proverbial ladder they become Excellent Companions, and then Most Excellent Companions (MEC’s), and topmost, maybe, Excellent Kings.Central personality at this historic event was The Most Excellent, the Grand King Michael J. Ward. He was formally welcomed to Bermuda from his headquarters in Dublin by Ex King Robert O’Shea who shepherded him on a hectic round of meetings, dinners and brunches with Past Kings, other Companions of RAC No. 831; and fellowship with Grand Lodge dignitaries from the English and Scottish Constitutions in Bermuda.A highlight of the Convocation was the presentation of a Past Kings Board engraved with the names of the 10 Bermuda Royal Irish Past Kings. since 2003. Heading the list is Dr Gerard W. Bean. He took the initiatives resulting in the Chapter’s constitution, during one of his frequent visits to the Irish Grand Lodge in Dublin.Other 831 Past Kings in succession were Hubert L Simmons, St Clair B Tucker, Keith White, Roy V Bray, Frederick C Bean, Michael AC Smith, Leonard E Simons, Ernest K Dill and Robert J O’Shea.The well attended 10th Anniversary Convocation was rounded out with a sumptuous Festive Board Saturday night at Freemasons Hall, Reid Street; and participation in the Sunday morning worship service at the Anglican Cathedral in the city, followed by brunch and of course, an eye-opening sightseeing tour of the Island.

Companions of Bermuda Irish Royal Arch Chapter Number 831 pose for a photograph during their tenth anniversary convocation (photo by Glenn Tucker)