North left helpless in pretty hand
Despite the Novice Pairs having to be cancelled for lack of entries there is still a lot happening at the Bermuda Bridge Club.The two session Open Pairs will have concluded yesterday, so full results in next week’s column.Also, last Tuesday was the first game to welcome all those who participated in the Learn Bridge in a Day event, and I will bring you a report on both those events. Continuing on the lessons front, Beginners Lessons start at the club on Wednesday , presumably for those who felt there was still work to do after the learning event.Last week Bridge continued in the spotlight with a radio interview on 106.1FM with John Burville, Gertie Barker and Judy King extolling the virtues of this wonderful game – well done.This week’s hand comes from the recent European Championships in Belgium. It was a Pairs event and top on a Board was 206.Dealer East. None VulWest North East South1C 2S3D pass 3NTEast’s opening bid was Precision (16 Plus points in any hand) and West’s 3D bid was showing diamonds and 8+ HCP and was game forcing. The rest was pretty standard.Sue Picus led the spade queen which declarer won and played four rounds of diamonds, North winning. Declarer now had eight tricks (four diamonds, two spades and two hearts) and needed just one club trick.On winning the diamond North, Kolesnik, realised that South had little space for anything other than the Queen-Jack of spades, and made the lovely play of the heart king. Declarer won the Ace, but now was in a trap, the only way to the good diamond was the heart queen, but when declarer crosses to the heart, plays the diamond and then plays a club, North is ready to jump up with the Ace and cash three good hearts.Down one. This gave N/S 175 out of 206 matchpoints.North’s heart play was lovely but declarer could have countered by letting the heart king win. Now declarer wins the heart continuation on board, cashes the diamond and leads a club.North is helpless. Pretty hand.
Bermuda Bridge Club results
North -South
Monday, September 16 – Afternoon: 1 Danielle Cloutier-Martha Ferguson; 2/3 Lyn O’Neill-Louise Rodger; 2/3 Scott Godet-Charlie Gambrill. Evening: 1 Marg Way-Rachael Gosling; 2 Alan Douglas-Jack Rhind; 3 Pat Siddle-Diana Diel.
Tuesday, September 17 – 1 Jaime & Marsha Fraser; 2 Andy Carne-Irene Chew; 3 Carol Eastham-Nikki Boyce.
Wednesday, September 18 – 1 Russ Craft-Mona Marie Gambrilll; 2 Pat Siddle-Gill Gray; 3 Gertie Barker-Jane Smith.
Thursday, September 19 – 1 Annalies Scheland-Ann Proctor; 2 Kath & Geoff Bell.
Friday, September 20 – 1 Gertie Barker-Patty Tucker; 2 Rachael Gosling-John Glynn; 3 Magda Farag-Sheena Rayner.
Monday, September 16 – Afternoon: 1 Marg Way-John Glynn; 2 Pat Siddle-Gill Gray; 3 Sue & John Hodge.