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Kaleidoscope Arts Foundation’s ‘Creative Minds’ programme offers a sale with a twist

Fiona Rodriguez-Roberts

One man’s trash has always been another man’s treasure, but this weekend it will also provide a boost to young people in danger of falling through the cracks.On Saturday Kaleidoscope Arts Foundation (KAF) will hold a special sale/auction to raise money for its Creative Minds programme which provides art lessons to at risk children in the public school system.On offer will be items that have been transformed from junk to artistic masterpieces and objects of envy by teachers at KAF including Manuel Palacio, Amanda Harness and Corrina Rego.The sale will be part of a larger Children’s Jamboree that will include fun arts and crafts, music, games and sensory activities.The special sale was the brainchild of Katie Berry who has two young daughters who attend art classes at KAF.“The National Trust has a big sale in February,” she said. “This year KAF went there with $200 and bought a bunch of items that might be considered junk.“For the last six months, KAF teachers have been working on these items to transform them into desirable art objects.”The items are being sold through a best bid process. On the Jamboree day each item will have a card with a box and people are asked to write in the box what price they are willing to pay for it. It is like a silent auction but not.”Ms Berry called it an example of a charity trying to make money out of nothing.“And it is for a great cause,” she said.Children in the Creative Minds programme are referred to KAF through the school system and may be in need of a little extra attention, art therapy or creative avenue of expression.The children get access to art classes at KAF, or sometimes KAF teachers work with them in their school.“There are children who need an outlet,” said Ms Berry. “KAF is trying to give them opportunities.”KAF Founder and Director Fiona Rodriguez-Roberts said one of her favourite items in the sale was a story bench that Ms Rego fashioned out of an abandoned tool bench.“It is great for a child,” she said. “There are so many awesome items up for grabs. For example, there is a beautiful vanity by Amanda Harkness.“You would put it in the bedroom. It has a mirror and lovely chair that goes with it.”There will also be chairs on sale that were castaways of the Dinghy Club. They have been revamped into something new and exciting.But Ms Rodriguez-Roberts she said she was just as excited about the Jamboree side of the day.“It is great that we are focusing on our little people,” she said. “We have a sensory area for the littlest children.“They will be able to get their hands into soil, and sand and Play-Doh in a safe play area.“The older children will do games and arts and crafts while their parents are looking for treasures. We have something for everyone.”Ms Berry said it would be a very positive event.“KAF is very focused on connecting literature with art,” Ms Berry said. “A lot of the children’s games and activities will be focused on several popular children’s books including “Woolbur” by Leslie Helakoski, “The Tiger Who Came to Tea” by Judith Kerr and “The Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle.”The event will be in the garden at KAF on Jubilee Road in Devonshire from 2pm to 5pm.For more information contact KAF at 542-9000, e-mail info@kaf.bm or see their website at www.kaf.bm.