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Some top tips for surviving Black Friday

Customers wait patiently in line to check out at the Phoenix Center during the Black Friday in 2012

If you’re determined to join the crowds tomorrow for those early morning bargains, here are a couple of tips to keep you safe, and help you survive Black Friday.

1. Get plenty of rest the night before. Hard core shoppers will likely be up at the crack of dawn to take advantage of the best sales on the Island, so do yourself (and those innocent salespeople) a favour by getting plenty of sleep the night before. You will not only be alert and ready to hunt for all the best deals, you will also hopefully have enough energy to get through your day at work.

2. Have of plan of action. There’s nothing more time consuming than going into a store with no clue of what you’re looking for. Save yourself the headache, by making a list of everyone you are shopping for, what kinds of things they might like and how much you are prepared to spend on that person. Not only will it significantly cut the amount of time you need to spend at each store, it will also mean you aren’t spending way more than you set out to.

3. Fuel up on coffee or snacks. I’m sure my nutritionist friend wont be too happy with this suggestion, but my guess is you’ll need something to keep you energised in the wee hours of the morning. In the likely event that cafes are still closed, just fill your favourite travel mug with a coffee drink before heading out the door for an added boost. Other important Black Friday survival kits items might include protein or granola bars, gum, a water bottle and hand sanitiser.

4. Bring a friend. It’s no surprise to hear the lines at Black Friday sales usually take the most time to get through. Shop with a friend or family member and not only will you have some company and a second opinion if needed, you can also take turns standing in the line while the other person shops through the merchandise.

5. Enjoy. It’s rare to find such drastic markdowns on the Island, so take advantage of the sales to get items you need for around the house or even check off your Christmas shopping list.