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How to master the art of public speaking

You don’t have to deliver jokes like Chris Rock, but by keeping things easy-going and entertaining it will help to win over an audience.

Public speaking is one of those activities that can get a person’s palms sweaty at just the mention of the words.

With practice it’s said to get easier, but if you have a big meeting or job interview coming up here are a few things you can do to make your next presentation a little less stressful.

Research your topic. There’s nothing more nerve wracking than going into a room to speak on a topic you know little or nothing about. Save yourself the anxiety attack and prepare ahead so you know precisely what you plan to say. It’s also okay to wing a little bit of the presentation, but back that up with some details about your knowledge or studies.

Make it visual. One sure-fire way to make your presentation more interesting is to find out what technology will be available in that space — be it a whiteboard, projector or laptop — and utilise them. This is particularly helpful when speaking to younger audiences, but everyone can enjoy pictures, graphs and tables if it helps to illustrate a point.

Keep it lighthearted. It’s amazing how far a simple smile can go in making your audience feel more relaxed. You don’t have to deliver jokes like Chris Rock, but by keeping things easy-going and entertaining it will help to win over an audience.

Interact with the audience. Start off your presentation by asking a few general questions to get the audience warmed up or even just to take the focus off of yourself for a little bit. You can also stop and ask the audience a few questions if you find you are feeling particularly overwhelmed or racing through the slides.

Be Yourself. Try and be as authentic as possible with your audience and speak in a way you would if it were a real life conversation.

Dress to impress. This doesn’t mean going out and buying a new outfit necessarily, but if you pick something in your wardrobe that makes you feel confident that will show with your audience. Just make sure it’s comfortable and appropriate for the audience you are talking to.