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Not good enough to be lucky

By the time this column appears the Men’s and Ladies’ Pairs Championships at the Bridge Club will have concluded, the first session held on Wednesday and the final session last night. See next week for full results.

I have some running themes to my column and one of them is to treat finesses as a last resort as opposed to the preferred play. With that in mind, see why some declarer on today’s hand were unlucky, but in the end were clearly not good enough to be lucky.

(Spades / Hearts / Diamonds / Clubs)

North: 64 / KJ73 / 1083 / AK54

East: KQJ2 / 102 / 7642 / QJ6

South: A3 / AQ96 / AQ9 / 8732

West: 109875 / 854 / KJ5 / 109

The bidding was simple. South opened 1NT, North bid Stayman (two Clubs) and when South bid two Hearts, North raised to four Hearts. The same contract was reached everywhere.

At Table One West led the Spade 10 and South was happy. If East had either Diamond honour he would make the hand and if East had both he could make an overtrick. He won the Spade, drew trumps and played a low Diamond to the nine. This lost to the Jack, a Spade came back and East played another Diamond. With a sense of foreboding declarer played the Queen, this lost to the King and West exited with a Club. There was still a Club to lose — down one.

At Table Two declarer did a little better. He won, drew trumps and exited with a Spade. East won and played a Diamond to the nine and Jack. West exited with a club and eventually declarer lost the same four tricks — down one.

Declarer at Table Three was luckier, or better. He won the Spade, drew trumps, cashed the Ace-King of Clubs and now exited with a Spade. East won and played a Diamond, once again to the nine and Jack. This time, however, West was dead. With no Club to play, a Spade would provide a ruff and discard and a Diamond would lead into the Ace–Queen. Ten tricks, contract made.

Not that difficult is it? It just needs a bit of thought, a bit of planning and then some careful declarer play. Okay, okay, not that easy, but not impossible.