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Bermuda shorts: Trend-setting or can’t bare it?

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Fashion on the Street: Kyle Rogers.(Photo by Akil Simmons)

Pharrell Williams made international news when he showed up on the Academy Award’s Red Carpet wearing a tuxedo suit — that was remarkably similar to the look of Bermuda shorts.

While some people felt he rocked the look, others weren’t as impressed.

So The Royal Gazette’s Lifestyle section took to the streets of Hamilton this week to get to the bottom of what local trendsetters really though about Bermuda shorts.

We stopped stylish businessman Kyle Rogers, 31, who told us that Bermuda shorts weren’t “really [his] thing”.

The retail banker said: “I like the classic look so I don’t do the Bermuda shorts, but I have seen people do it very well and think it can be done right when you mix the colours well.

“When it’s paired with a navy blue blazer I think it looks really nice. I don’t have the legs for it though.”

Mr Rogers said he likes to strike the right balance when it comes to a professional look at the office. He said he doesn’t like to be “too loud with colours” and often pairs a solid tie with a patterned shirt.

“The other option is to go basic with the shirt and jazz it up with a tie with a pattern on it,” he said.

Accountant Tina Agarwal said she was a fan of Bermuda shorts on men.

“They are definitely in right now in fashion and pretty cool I think,” she said. “I think it’s something so signature to Bermuda and it’s kind of stylish and fun.”

The 23-year-old described her workday style as being simple, comfortable and “a little crisp”. She said: “Some times life has a tendency to be boring, so for me getting dressed makes me happy every morning.”

Arabella Tribley, 18, wasn’t able to weigh in on Pharrell’s take on Bermuda shorts.

She admitted she doesn’t really follow any particular trends and said: “I just wear what I like.”

“I get inspiration from magazines and TV shows. I might see something I like and try to make that my own,” the student said.

Fashion on the Street: Arabella Tribley. (Photo by Akil Simmons)
Fashion on the Street: Tina Agarwal (Photo by Akil Simmons)