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An example of great bidding

Not a lot happening at the Bridge Club right now and not much on the November Calendar, which is a good thing as I am travelling and will get to the hand straight away!

Every year the International Bridge Press Association (IBPA), of which I have been a member for …..a long time! ……..hands out awards for best played, best defended and best bid hands of the year.

I don’t often cover long bidding sequences in this column but I think this year’s Yeh Brothers Best Bid Hand of the Year is worth looking at as it is not only great bidding but carries real instructional value.

The hand was bid by Michel and Thomas Bessis of France and was reported on by Philippe Cronier, also of France, in the IBPA Bulletin. He entitled it La Onzieme Heure which I think translates to at the 11th hour.

West East

S Q5 S A4

H A97632 H KQ8

D 9853 D AKQ10

C 8 C AJ75

The Bidding:

West East

2C 2D 2NT (1)

3D (2) 3H (3)

3S (4) 3NT (5)

4C (6) 4S (7)

5C (8) 7D

The bidding needs explaining!

1) 23-24 Balanced

2) Transfer to Hearts

3) Three-card heart support

4) An unspecified singleton and a slam try

5) Specify please!

6) Singleton Club

7) Key card Asking

8) One key card

The seven diamond bid was the icing on the cake! Thomas was saying: “I know you have at least five hearts and I have shown you three. I am, however, offering you an alternative contract in case we have a 4-4 fit here — if we don’t, go back to seven hearts”! Michel, even with four low diamonds, was happy to leave the diamond bid stand and that became the final contract which was cold, and a complete top!

Notice that SEVEN hearts has no chance at all (other than a singleton King of Spades!) whereas the diamond grand could be claimed as soon as the opponents each followed to two rounds of trumps … … wonderful bidding and clearly the Bessis’ have done a ton of work on learning their system.

So now you know where your bidding should be heading!

Latest results from the Bermuda Bridge Club, compiled by Julia Lunn

Monday, October 20


1. Russ Craft-Julia Beach

2. Geoff and Kath Bell


1. Jean Johnson-Diana Diel

2. Linda Abend-Elma Anfossi



1. Charles Hall-Tony Saunders

2. Jean Johnson-Lyn O’Neill


1. Gertie Barker-Jane Smith

2. Rachael Gosling-Simon Giffen

Tuesday, October 21


1. Kathy Keane-Michael Antar

2. Louise Payne-Marion Ezedinma


1. Keith Smith-Jean Wolosiuk

2. Delton Outerbridge-Richard Keane

Wednesday, October 22


1. Judy Bussell-Russ Craft

2. Jean Johnson-Diana Diel

3. Mona Marie Gambrill-Julia Beach

Thursday, October 23



1. Trish Colmet-Gordon Bussell

2. Sheena Rayner-Mona Marie Gambrill

3. Jane Smith-Gertie Barker


1. John Burville-Alan Douglas

2. Lyn O’Neil-Diana Diel

3. Richard Hall-Jaime Fraser

Friday, October 24



1. Julia Beach-Sancia Garrison

2. Russ Craft-Elysa Burland

3. Geoff and Kath Bell


1. Janice Trott-Pat Hayward

2. Harry and Anne Kast

3. Julia Lunn-Annabelle Mann