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Bermuda Garrison installs 92nd Master

Newly installed Provincial Grand Master of the Hamilton District, Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, Bro Norbert Simmons (seated centre front) is flanked by his District Officers

There was much to celebrate at the Bermuda Garrison Lodge No 580 on the Roll of the Grand Registry of Ireland.

Brother Ron-Michel Davis was installed as the 92nd Wor Master for the ensuing 12 months. The ceremony was attended by a large contingent of visiting brethren from the Irish Constitution Sister Lodges, English and Scottish Lodges in Bermuda.

Wor Master Davis, whose roots hail from the famous Government Gate area of Pembroke, is the compliance manager for the Bermuda Immigration Department and is the Deputy Commandant of the Bermuda Police Service reserves.

The ceremony was a proud event for Wor Brother Davis as well as the installing officer, Wor Brother Alan Joell, and Bro Ivan Robinson, who proposed Wor Master Davis as a Freemason in February 2006.

More than 50 past members were present to witness Wor Brother Joell’s installation of Wor Brother Davis. He now has the distinction of installing his fifth candidate to become the Lodge Wor Master.

Wor Brother Joell was assisted by Wor Brothers Mikkel Harris, Corey Cross and Very Wor Brother Clinton Curtis as senior deacon, junior deacon and inner guard respectively.

Wor Master Davis was in fine form as he invested and delivered the charge to his officers, reminding them of the duties devolving on them for his administrative year. He pledged to do his utmost to ensure that Bermuda Garrison Lodge will maintain the high standards they are known for.

The brethren retired from labour to the banquet in the lodge hall and were treated to a sumptuous meal of heavenly delights as they enjoyed the harmony and camaraderie between the brethren of all three lodge constitutions in Bermuda.

Oddfellows Get New Provincial

The Hamilton District of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Manchester Unity has a new Provincial Grand Master.

He is Brother Norbert Simmons, who is also a Past Grand of the Somerset District, MU.

Bro Simmons is a recently retired civil servant. An impressive gathering of Oddfellows was on hand to join in his ceremonial installation by Past Provincial Grand Master Boyd Smith.

Other executive officers installed were Sister Sherma Calder as Deputy Provincial Grand Master; Prov Treasurer Sis Violet Brangman; Prov Secretary Sis Lynn Wade and Sis Dianne Roberts as Prov Assisting Secretary.

Lodge honours were extended to the Immediate Past Prov Grand Master, Bro Kyle Bridgewater, who additionally was installed as Pro Tyler.

Sis Joy Wilson Tucker was installed as district lecturer/historian. Other supporting officers installed included Bro Winston Rawlins, Sis Marion Tannock, Sis Cynthia Thomas, Sis Marion Swan, Bro Laurel Simmons, Sis Louise Thomas and Bro Ted Darrell.


St James Anglican Church, Somerset, rocked and rolled last Sunday like never before.

It was then that Dale Butler and his star-studded troupe presented his play, ‘We are Climbin’ Jacob’s Ladder’.

It would seem Mr Butler and company saved their best for last after appearing in 13 different churches elsewhere on the Island, at which yours truly was privileged to attend.

Each church had a different configuration; Mr Butler needed to have an appropriate variation of a theme for full impact.

His adaptation for St James was simply masterful and it may be a reason why the cast accordingly superseded themselves. They rendered what the church rector, the Venerable Dr Arnold Hollis, called an extraordinary religious experience.

The play centres around a group that, having compounded their gift club collections, brought the cash to church to be blessed before distribution. Somehow it’s craftily stolen in the process of all the singing and preaching underway around the altar. Every one is deemed a suspect.

Chief patrons were His Excellency, Governor George Fergusson, and his wife Margaret. Audience participation was uninhibited. At one stage the Governor gamefully donned a bright red shirt handed him by Mr Butler, giving the appearance of a front seat accomplice.

The acting preacher was Glen Iris, a one-man show in himself seemingly functioning more effectively than some confirmed ministers. Stan ‘Lord Necktie’ Seymour was characteristically hot and fresh. Rudolph Benjamin was super in his performance. So were Gerald Simons, Charles Jeffers, John Dale and Cleveland “Outa-Sight” Simmons. They were all good, as we stated before.

But better than good were legends June Caisey, Mishanthi Bailey, Philemma Caisey, Toni Robinson, Veronica “Lolly” Darrell, Gina Davis and Noelitta Tucker; a masterpiece band under Harold Simon appropriately backed.

Prominent in the audience was a group of Canadians, alumni from Alma College who happily hailed two local Alma grads, June Caisey and Mary-Jane Simmons.

Corrections Week 2015

The Department of Corrections headed by Commissioner Lt Col Edward Lamb has been in high gear observing Corrections Week 2015 since Monday. The events got off to a good start in a ceremony at the Cenotaph, Hamilton with the Commissioner saluting a group of smartly turned out officers. He is seen with Premier Michael Dunkley at the reading of a proclamation. Kneeling below are students who participated in the ‘Commissioner for a Day Essay Contest’. Winner was Kayla Tucker (centre); first runner-up was Daijon Taylor (left) and second runner-up Zantae Dill (right). The trio will be assigned to shadow senior staff at the Department of Corrections on a day to be determined. Social highlight of the week was the Department’s Seniors’ Tea at St Paul’s Christian Education Centre, Paget (see photo).

The Wor Master with his Proposers into Bermuda Garrison Lodge No. 580 GRI: On the left Bro Ivan Robinson, and Wor Brother Alan Joell PM
The Bermuda Garrison Lodge N0. 580 Officers for the year 2015-2016Front row left to right: Bro Dorian Astwood – Junior Warden, Bro Arthur Glasford – Senior Warden, Bro Ivan Robinson, Wor Master Bro Ron-Michel Davis, Right Wor Provincial Grand Master Bro St. Clair Tucker, Wor Bro Alan Joell PM – Chaplain, Wor Bro.Michael Simmons – Secretary and Bro. Milen Simons – Inner Guard.Back row: Wor Bro Derek Emery – Director of Ceremonies, Wor Bro Robert Dill PM, Bro Mark Bothelo, Very Wor Bro Clinton Curtis – Almoner, Wor. Bro. Malcolm Swan – Steward of Charities, Wor Bro Albert Vanlowe – Treasurer, Wor Bro Troy Glasgow – Tyler and Bro. Jerry Robinson – Senior Deacon
Guests at Corrections seniors tea
Commissioner for a day finalists
Alma College alumni