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New Grandmaster for English Freemasons

Photos by Ira PhilipStellar career: Pictured standing behind their wives, from left, Rt Bro St Clair ‘Brinky’ Tucker, and wife Lynn, Rt Wor Bro Robert Rego, and wife Carolyn, Rt Wor Bro Travis Gilbert, and wife Lorene, and Leslie Lewis, Most Wor Past Grandmaster of the Most Wor Grand Lodge of Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Jurisdiction of Massachusetts and wife Sandra

The tenth annual Communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bermuda, English Constitution, was held on May 15. It was well attended by brethren of the three Constitutions in Bermuda.

It was a special meeting as Wor Bro Michael Edward Smith, the new Deputy District Grand Master, was invested and Installed by Rt Wor Bro Robert William Rego JP, District Grand Master of Bermuda.

Wor Bro Smith was initiated in Atlantic Lodge on October 26, 1993. He has served as Master on two occasions, also as Assistant Secretary, Almoner and the last five years as Director of Ceremonies. He also was Installing Master on two occasions. He served in the District as Tyler and Deputy Director of Ceremonies. He recently received Grand Rank of Past Assistant Grand Registrar to acknowledge his full commitment and dedication to Freemasonry.

The District Grand Master also made a presentation to Rt Wor St Clair “Brinky” Tucker to acknowledge his outstanding service to Freemasonry as Provincial Grand Master of Irish Lodges over the last 12 years. He will be stepping down in June and Very Worshipful Bro Allen Richardson will be installed as his successor on June 20 at Hannibal Lodge.


There can be no dispute that Rt Wor Bro St Clair “Brinky” Tucker has a stellar history in the universe of freemasonry.

He steps down as Provincial Grand Master of Irish Freemasons in Bermuda on June 20, climaxing a career extending more than 45 years. Highlights of his progression were detailed at a testimonial dinner in his honour Saturday night by Very Wor Bro Allen Richardson who will be installed as his successor.

Hannibal Lodge, which was established more than a century ago in St George’s, took over the Royal Hamilton Dinghy Club, Paget for the dinner. It was marked by wit, good humour and unmitigated brotherhood as members and friends accompanied by their wives and significant other ladies gave Brinky a standing ovation, followed by glowing tributes from brethren locally based and overseas.

Brinky had been lauded variously by both Past and Reigning Masters as a credit, jewel, beacon, ambassador to freemasonry.

The present Master of Hannibal is Bro Stephen Tucker, who happens to be the elder son of Brinky. Sean, another son, was also present.

Following are some highlights of the career of the Provincial Grand Master as highlighted by Bro Richardson, his designated successor.

St Clair “Brinky” Tucker was initiated into Hannibal Lodge in 1970 and installed as Worshipful Master in January of 1981. In 1976 he joined Hamilton Royal Arch Chapter. In 1984 joined the Scottish Rite of New York and obtained his 32 Degree. He joined the Imperial Council Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of North America (Mecca Temple Shriners) 1986. In 1993, he joined the Royal Order of Scotland; presently Substitute Provincial Grand Master. In 1994 promoted to Honorary Past Grand Steward.

In 2002 he was appointed Deputy Grand Master of the Irish Constitution in Bermuda and in 2003 appointed Provincial Grand Master. In 2003 he was appointed Past Grand Deacon and a member of African Lodge #459 of the Jurisdiction of Prince Hall of Massachusetts.

In 2003 he was named founding member of the Royal Arch Chapter #831 and was installed as the Excellent King of that Royal Arch Chapter in 2006. He was appointed a Grand Lodge Instructor of the Irish Constitution 2008 and became an Excellent Sir Knight of the Grand Council of Knight Masons. He was promoted in 2014 to Honorary Past Grand Chief Scribe of the Irish Royal Arch Chapter.

Rt Wor Bro Tucker was made an honorary member of the following Local Lodges:

English Constitution — Prince Alfred, Lodge of Loyalty, Broad Arrow Lodge and the English Installed Masters Lodge.

Scottish Constitution — Lodge 200, Civil and Military and Somers Isles Lodge. Membership in Overseas Lodges include: Grand Lodge of Maryland; Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania; Received a Masonic Proclamation from the Mayor of the City of New Haven, Connecticut; Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina; and in 2009, he was received officially by the Governor General of the Bahamas during a Masonic visit to the Bahamas.

During Brinky’s term of office he has received the following distinguished brethren from overseas: Most Worshipful Grand Masters of Ireland, Most Worshipful Brothers Eric Waller and George Dunlop. Most Worshipful Grand Masters of Massachusetts, Maryland, Ontario, Canada, North Carolina and Philadelphia. Provincial Grandmasters of Jamaica, RW Bros Dereck McCoy and James Moss Solomon. Rt Wor District Grand Master of Bahamas and Turks and Caicos, English Constitution. Provincial Grandmaster of Jamaica and Bahamas, Rt Wor Bro Peter Stewart, Most Worshipful Grand Master of North Carolina, Toby Fitch, Prince Hall Grand Inspectors of Jamaica and Bahamas, Very Wor Bro Joey Alfred and Very Wor Bro Ken Aranha. Other Grandmasters that he has met are leaders from Scotland, England, New York, Malta, Greece, Mexico and Cuba.

Responding to the accolades with an air of humility and saying that he had been busy over the past 45 years, the Provincial thanked everyone involved. He particularly mentioned his proposers the late Wor Bro Charles Lloyd Tucker and his own uncle, Albert “Peter” Fox whom he described as great men and masons.

He recalled how in 1967 he was approached by a man, asking him if he was interested in becoming a mason. He replied unintelligibly that he did not want to be a mason, carpenter or a plumber. At that time he had other priorities, being active in sports and only recently married.

Several weeks later Brinky had occasion to mention that conversation to his mother. She scolded him, with the advice that her father and grandfather were Freemasons and if he was asked again he should without any hesitation answer affirmatively. And he said, that’s what actually happened.

At this stage this columnist is obliged to apologise to my friends in the Independent Order of Oddfellows that time and space did not allow me to proceed as intended with the second part of the great tribute paid by the chairperson of the African Diaspora Heritage Trail Bermuda Chapter, Ms Maxine Esdaille and Lodge Noble/Grand Historian Joy Wilson Tucker with respect to Women of Substance who succeeded after much manoeuvring and procrastination in overcoming what was termed the generations of “unbrotherly chauvinism” of Manchester men resulting in the dedication with much pomp and ceremony of the first female branch 96 years ago, on May 12, 1919 to be exact, of the Loyal Mayflower Lodge No 9387.