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The need for clear thinking

Championships ahead: men’s and ladies’ pairs games will take place this month

Local Players have now had a short breather after the Bermuda Regional, but that comes to a halt next week with the men’s and ladies’ pairs championships taking place on Monday, February 22, and Friday, February 26.

The separation of the genders in a mind sport is somewhat anachronistic in this day and age, but these events have been on the calendar for decades and the tradition continues. I don’t intend to get into that discussion any further.

This week’s hand is short and simple but shows the need for clear thinking from declarer when dummy hits the table.

South Dealer E/W Vulnerable:


H: A5

D: AQJ962

C K7

S: 109

H: KQJ1064

D: 1084

C: Q3

South opened the hand a weak 2 Hearts and North made the marvellously practical bid of 6 Hearts.

There is no sensible way to bid this hand and even if North employed Blackwood and found partner with the Club Ace, the Diamond suit is still a mystery, so bidding the grand slam is out of the question — so the small slam bid is entirely reasonable.

West did what many players would do on a non cue-bid sequence by cashing the Club Ace at trick one and then when dummy came down following with a sneaky looking two of Spades. Refusing to be tricked, declarer played the Queen which lost to the King, down one.

Declarer did not think about the play at trick two long enough. Even if the Spade finesse works, the slam does not make unless the Diamond finesse works — and if the Diamond finesse works, the Spade finesse is totally unnecessary.

The full deal:



H: A5

D: AQJ962

C: K7


S: K765

H: 932

D: 5

C: J10985


S: 109

H: KQJI064

D: 1084

S: Q3


S: 8432

H: 87

D: k73

S: A642

So the right play is pretty easy — win the Spade Ace, draw trumps and then play the Diamond 10 ... the hand now rolls in and declarer chalks up a very satisfying 980, resulting in a very good board and a very happy partner.

<p>Latest results from Bermuda Bridge Club</p>

Monday, February 1

1 Kath & Geoff Bell

1 Jean Johnson-Marg Way

2 Dee Craft-Peter Donnellan

2 Russ Craft-Julia Beach

3 Lyn O’Neill-Louise Rodger

3 Dorry Lusher-Michael Bickley


1 David Cordon-Julia Lunn

2 Janice Trott-John Hoskins 3 Elizabeth McKee-Ruby Douglas

• Tuesday, February 2


1 Rosie Smith-Marsha Fraser

1 Mary leigh Burnett-John Luekemann

2 Mike Shaw-David Theaker

2 Sharon Shanahan-Claude Guay

3 Rachel-Joliffe-Marion Ezedinma

3 Brenda & Ernest Hendricks


1 Sheena Trott-Jane Gregory 2 Jeferino Santos-Don Treanor 3 James Gregory-Justin Brenden

• Wednesday, February 3

1 Greta Marshall-Lynanne Bolton

1 Jane Smith-Gertie Barker

2 Marilynn Simmons-Elysa Burland

2 Julia Beach-Linda Pollett

3 Julia Lunn-Judy Bussell

3 Sheena Rayner-Magna Farag

• Thursday, February 4


1 Michael Tait-Jean Thompson 2 Martha Ferguson-Dianna Kempe 3 Susan & Peter Adhemar


1 Marg Way-Roman Smolski 2 Paul thompson-Peter Donnellan 3 Diana Diel-Lyn O’Neill

• Friday, February 5

1 Tony Saunders-Russ Craft

1 Kath & Geoff Bell

2 Louise Rodger-Molly Taussig

2 Diana Diel-Elizabeth McKee

3 Martha Ferguson-George Correia

3 Marg Way-Heather Woolf

— compiled by Julia Lunn