An interesting hand for party night
After weeks of notice and anticipation the big night is finally here- the Bridge Club Summer Party takes place tonight at the Club with lots of food, drink and music and celebrations for those who had a fter weeks of notice and anticipation the big night is finally here — the Bridge Club Summer Party takes place tonight at the club with lots of food, drink and music and celebrations for those who had a “milestone” birthday since the last party. I think it is a bit late to sign up now, but if you suddenly feel the urge to go, a begging phone call may work, you never know.
I will try not to keep you long as you are probably getting the glad rags out and applying the mascara and lip gloss which is a time-consuming affair, but the ladies have to do it too, so stop complaining and just get on with it.
Today’s hand is a really interesting declarer play problem as entries to dummy are scarce.
Dealer South N/S vulnerable
? 753
? 102
? 9743
? AK32
West ? 1082 ? J98
? Q1052
? 105
? J9
? A753
? J6
? J9764
? AK64
? KQ64
? AK8
? Q8
South opened a 20-22 2NT and North had any easy raise to 3NT.
East got the defence off to a good start by leading his fourth best Spade — declarer won the first round and took stock.
If East had the Ace of Hearts it is all easy if declarer could lead up to his Hearts twice, but the only entry to dummy was with a Club so that plan was shelved. Without a real plan in mind most declarers bashed out the Ace-King and another Diamond hoping for a 3-3 break, which we all know is about a 36 per cent chance.
West won, cashed the last Diamond and exited with a Spade. Declarer now cashed three Clubs and led a Heart towards the KQ64 — East played low and the Queen won but being locked in his hand meant declarer had to go down one, making two Spades, a Heart, two Diamonds and three clubs.
At one table declarer had a better plan utilising the Heart 10 in dummy — he realised that if West had the Jack of Hearts, he could create two Heart tricks, so at trick two he lead a low Heart towards the 10.
West won the Jack and exited with a Spade but declarer was in control — he won and led another Heart to the 10 forcing the Ace from East (it does East no good to duck). Declarer now made the contract with two Spades, two Hearts, two Diamonds and three Clubs.
This was good planning — the chance of West having the Heart Jack was 50 per cent, which is a lot better than the 36 per cent of the 3-3 Diamond break and declarer was duly rewarded.
Enjoy the Party!
Results for week of July 16
Monday afternoon
1. Joseph Wakefield/Sheena Rayner
2. Molly Taussig/Diana Diel
3. George Correia/Aida Bostelmann
1. Elizabeth McKee/Stephanie Kyme
2. Michael Bickley/John Hoskins
3. Linda Abend/David Pickering
Monday evening
1. Patricia Siddle/Diana Diel
2. Fabian Hupe/Margaret Way
3. R Gosling/E McKee/J Luebkemann/D Pickering
Tuesday evening
1. Samantha Pickering/Nick Kempe
2. Diana Downs/Sarah Lorimer Turner
3. G Ogden/S Ogden/C Eastham/N Boyce
Wednesday morning
1. Julia Beach/Patricia Siddle
2. Gertrude Barker/Jane Smith
3. Molly Taussig/Sheena Rayner
1. Diana Diel/Stephanie Kyme
2. Lorna Anderson/Marsha Fraser
3. Caroline Svensen/Dianna Kempe
Thursday evening
1. Margaret Way/Diana Diel
2. David Cordon/Julia Lunn
3. Peter Donnellan/John Glynn
1. Claude Guay/Sharon Shanahan
2. Linda Pollett/Elizabeth McKee
3. Gertrude Barker/Rosemary Smith
Friday afternoon
1. Tony Saunders/Joseph Wakefield
2. Ellen Davidson/Dianna Kempe
3. Peter Donnellan/Martha Ferguson
1. Elizabeth McKee/Diana Diel
2. Patricia Siddle/Julia Beach
3. Heather Farrugia/Michael Farrugia
Saturday Youth Game
1. Robina Fullerton/Najmah Silah
2. Ross Cooper/Scott Gilbertson
3. Daque Davis/Michae skinner