Club doing its best to keep interest alive
Despite the summer lull, the Bridge Club is doing well to keep things moving and make sure there are things to do for the members.
The Summer Party was a great success (see the pictures on the website), a youth group of 16 are travelling to the Atlanta Nationals chaperoned by Lorna Anderson, Kalreta Conyers-Steede, John Burville and Mike Viotti, and tonight sees a rubber game at the Bridge Club under the stewardship of Nick Kempe to get people interested in the game.
I think this is a great idea, as Rubber Bridge is an enjoyable and less pressured way to introduce people to the game and help them develop.
Now to the hand, which is not easy, but not difficult if you think a bit.
Dealer West E/W vulnerable.
S 732
H AQ765
D K4
C 652
S J954 S Q106
H J1094 H K
D 1052 D Q9863
C A9 C 8743
H 832
West opened one Heart, East bid a NT, and South closed the bidding with four Spades,
needing only one trick from dummy.
West led the Ace and King of Hearts, and East signalled a doubleton by playing the six and then the three (down the line with an even number, up the line with odd).
On the third Heart, declarer tried ruffing with the Spade nine, but, alas, East overruffed and eventually declarer lost a Diamond for down one.
Declarer immediately said “that was unlucky that East had a doubleton Heart and the ten of Spades”, but no sooner had he said it, his partner said “rubbish, luck had nothing to do with it”.
You know East has two Hearts, so on the third one just pitch a Diamond from dummy — the defence is helpless.
You can win any switch, draw trumps, ruff a Diamond and it is an easy ten tricks.
Your play had only a 50 per cent chance of success (that West had the Spade ten), whereas my line of play is pretty much foolproof.
Don’t bemoan your luck, bemoan your lack of skill.
Isn’t it lovely when partners share their knowledge with you, but he was dead right.
Bridge results (week of August 6)
Monday afternoon
1. Margaret Way/Sancia Garrison
2. Michael Antar/Martha Ferguson
3. George Correia/Lorna Anderson
1. Magda Farag/Sheena Rayner
2. Joseph Wakefield/Michael Bickley
3. Linda Abend/David Pickering
Tuesday evening
1. George Ogden/Sandra Ogden
2. Nick Kempe/Samantha Pickering
3. Elma Anfossi/Diana Downs
Wednesday morning
1. Scott Godet/Molly Taussig
2. Richard Gray/Wendy Gray
3. Marilynn Simmons/Lyn O’Neill
1. Stephen Smith/Desmond Nash
2. Martha Ferguson/Judy King
3. Caroline Svensen/Dianna Kempe
Thursday evening
1. Margaret Way/Fabian Hupe
2. Sheena Rayner/Magda Farag
3. Rachael Gosling/Delton Outerbridge
1. John Burville/Mike Viotti
2. Gertrude Barker/Jane Smith
3. Lisa Ferrari/Rosemary Smith
Friday afternoon
1. Gertrude Barker/Marilynn Simmons
2. Annabelle Mann/Jeanette Shaw
3. Louise Rodger/Patricia Siddle
1. Alan Douglas/Jane Smith
2. Magda Farag/Lyn O’Neill
3. Annelies Schleland/George Correia
Monday afternoon
1. Margaret Way/Sancia Garrison
2. Michael Antar/Martha Ferguson
3. George Correia/Lorna Anderson
1. Magda Farag/Sheena Rayner
2. Joseph Wakefield/Michael Bickley
3. Linda Abend/David Pickering
Tuesday evening
1. George Ogden/Sandra Ogden
2. Nick Kempe/Samantha Pickering
3. Elma Anfossi/Diana Downs
Wednesday morning
1. Scott Godet/Molly Taussig
2. Richard Gray/Wendy Gray
3. Marilynn Simmons/Lyn O’Neill
1. Stephen Smith/Desmond Nash
2. Martha Ferguson/Judy King
3. Caroline Svensen/Dianna Kempe
Thursday evening
1. Margaret Way/Fabian Hupe
2. Sheena Rayner/Magda Farag
3. Rachael Gosling/Delton Outerbridge
1. John Burville/Mike Viotti
2. Gertrude Barker/Jane Smith
3. Lisa Ferrari/Rosemary Smith
Friday afternoon
1. Gertrude Barker/Marilynn Simmons
2. Annabelle Mann/Jeanette Shaw
3. Louise Rodger/Patricia Siddle
1. Alan Douglas/Jane Smith
2. Magda Farag/Lyn O’Neill
3. Annelies Schleland/George Correia