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Club prepares for Novice Pairs

Figure 1

Not a lot happening at the table at the Bridge Club with the next event being the Novice Pairs on Tuesday, April 2 followed by the two session Mixed Pairs on Saturday, April 13.

There have also been some changes due to the large turnout for Charles Hall’s beginner lessons on Tuesdays as below:

Monday evening April 1 — an Intermediate (0-300 masterpoint) Game at 7.30, Tuesday evening April 2 — Novice Pairs Championship at 7.30 — limited to players with less than 20 Masterpoints. (No Junior game that evening).

Away from the table the Bridge Club and ACBL Unit 198 AGM’s were held at the club last Monday and achieved a pretty good turnout of the membership.

Things appear to be going well at the club under the president Jane Smith, chief director Peter Donnellan and treasurer Richard Gray and the rest of the committee, together with the many volunteers who keep the place ticking. Jane is stepping down after a successful period at the helm and taking over as president will be Ed Betetto. Ed is one of the top players at the club and I’m sure will prove to be another steady hand at the wheel — his first big task is to handle the much needed increase in revenue either by increasing the annual dues which for most people is $100 per year, and/or increasing the table money which has been at $8 per session for quite some time.

Both of these represent great value but opinions are split pretty much down the middle as to whether the increase should be in the annual dues or the table money — or a bit of both.

The committee will discuss and decide, and whilst there is no pleasing everyone no matter what the final increases look like, I think the membership is supportive of the club in general and will largely accept whatever changes are made.

Our club is the envy of most who visit, as it is rare to get a bright, airy, stand-alone facility with ample parking right outside and it is essential that there is sufficient funding to maintain the quality of the interior and exterior and the facilities provided.

I received a really good reaction to the quiz a few weeks ago so here is another one for you, avoid “peeking” at the answerbefore giving it a really good shot.

Dealer North — Neither Vul

The Bidding:

Playing a 15-17 NT, North was forced to open one Club, intending to jump to 2NT on his next bid showing 18-19 HCP.

When South bid 1NT over the Heart overcall North had only one bid and that was 3NT- West led the Heart 9.

Declarer at one table played low and won the Queen, and now played a Club hoping East had the Ace which would not allow the defence to run Hearts. Alas, West won the Ace and led another heart — down one!

At another table declarer decided to duck the first Heart to cut communications between East and West — this would have worked on the layout above, but this declarer found the hands like this with East holding the Club Ace:

Now, East won the second Heart and cleared the Hearts and then defeated the contract when in with the Ace of Clubs.

Not fair you say — you can’t change the hands!

Er, yes I can as it’s my column! The reason I changed the hands is to challenge you to make the hand no matter whether East or West holds the Ace of Clubs.

Try it — and give it a really good bash before looking at the answer — and very well done if you solved it.

Solution to Bridge Quiz

Did you get it? Play the Heart King at trick one!

This completely “freezes” the Heart suit — East must win this with the Ace or you have another Heart winner, but once he wins it he cannot continue the suit without, once again, giving you two stoppers in the suit. So the defence is powerless to stop declarer developing the Club suit — ten tricks and a top board. Well done if you saw this!

Results for week of March 11

Monday afternoon


1. Alan Douglas/Edward Betteto

2. Sheena Rayner/Magda Farag

3. Michael Antar/Bea Williams


1. Margaret Way/Lyn O’Neill

2. Tony Saunders/Dorry Lusher

3. J Patton/G Barker/N Boyce/S Higgins

Tuesday evening junior game


1. Mark Stevens/Malcolm Moseley

2. Marion Ezedinma/Margaret Kirk

3. Betsy Baillie/Colin James


1. Nikki Boyce/Carol Eastham

2. John Moore/Margaret Moore

3. Sarah Bowers/Joe Hobbs

Wednesday morning


1. Edward Betteto/Patricia Colmet

2. Tony Saunders/Molly Taussig

3. Lynanne Bolton/Greta Marshall


1. Sue Hodge/John Hodge

2. Margaret Way/Elizabeth McKee

3. Tracy Nash/Desmond Nash

Thursday evening


1. Gertrude Barker/Jane Smith

2. Judith Bussell/Diana Diel

3. Edward Betteto/Fabian Hupe


1. Elizabeth McKee/Stephanie Kyme

2. Charles Hall/Peter Donnellan

3. Miodrag Novakovic/Margaret Way

Friday afternoon


1. Gertrude Barker/Martha Ferguson

2. Judith Bussell/Linda Pollett

3. Edward Betteto/Margaret Way


1. Alan Douglas/Jane Smith

2. Charles Hall/Molly Taussig

3. Richard Gray/Gordon Bussell

Figure 3
Figure 2