A wonderful display from all three players
We are now just a few days away from the reopening of the Bermuda Bridge Club, with the first post-lockdown game scheduled for 9.30am on Wednesday.
The club last saw a live game on March 13.
It is a tight balancing act on when to get going, but I think it is the right decision to open the facility and make it available for the members, so that they can play as and when they each feel comfortable in taking that first step.
As I have written before, a large proportion of our members fall into the “vulnerable” category, so I’m sure the club will do all the right things in terms of social-distancing, contact, etc.
Hopefully the games will grow as long as we appear to have Covid under control in Bermuda, and that the members will once again experience the ever so important social aspect of the game.
I love today’s hand which came up in a Teams match and sees the thrust and parry of two excellent defenders against an equally good declarer, who only prevails due to a serendipitous lie of the diamond suit (see Fig 1, N/S Vul, Dealer South).
South opened his hand 2NT (20-22 HCP) and North had an easy raise to 3NT.
West led the 7 of Hearts: 9, Jack, King.
Declarer won with the King rather than the Queen to leave West in doubt about the location of the missing honour.
There are hands where ducking the Heart Jack as a hold up play would be correct, but this is not one of them as declarers options are limited to one, the Diamond suit.
Declarer saw that he had to develop Diamonds for an extra trick, but had to do so without letting East on lead for the fatal heart continuation.
At the same time, the defenders were also planning on how to thwart declarer as he tried to execute this plan.
South cashed the Ace of Clubs and played the Jack of Clubs to the King (important to create three entries to dummy) to lead the 9 of Diamonds from the board.
He planned to let it run if East had played low, but East covered and declarer had to win with his Ace — West followed with the 7 preparing the way for a future unblock.
Again, declarer crossed to dummy in Clubs, leading the 10 to the Queen.
He now led the 8 of Diamonds, again hoping to be able to run that to West, but East again covered so declarer had to win the King.
West now, in order to avoid being thrown in, unblocked the Queen as his only hope, knowing that he needed East to have the 6 of Diamonds.
Alas for West, however, declarer had the 6 of Diamonds and East the 5, so declarer actually made an overtrick!
A wonderful display from all three players, and in a way it’s a shame that West was not rewarded for his foresight and bravery in making the unblocking plays.
What looked like a simple, flat, 3NT hand turned out to be a closely fought battle!
Bridge results to August 27
Friday 21 August
1. Margaret Way /Charles Hall
2. Charles Roraback/Molly Roraback
3. 3=Gertrude Barker/Martha Ferguson
3=Wenda Krupp/Alan Douglas
Monday 24 August
1. Gertrude Barker/Jane Smith
2. Charles Hall /William Pollett
3. Lynanne Bolton/Peter Donnellan
Tuesday 25 August
1. Wenda Krupp/ Jane Gregory
2. Malcolm Moseley/Mark Stevens
3. M Louise Payne/Katyna Rabain
Wednesday 26 August
1. Patricia Siddle/Diana Diel
2. Lorna Anderson/Heather Woolf
3. Linda Pollett/William Pollett