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Injured crewman airlifted to Bermuda

A US Coast Guard H60 Search and Rescue helicopter. File photo.

A crewman seriously injured when a wave hit his ship was today airlifted to Bermuda for urgent treatment.Last week the Captain and Chief Engineer of the Aegean Angel were killed when the wave struck the Greek-registered tanker. The Chief Officer was also badly injured.A spokesman for the Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre said: “At 08.30am today the US Coast Guard H60 Search and Rescue helicopter took off from Bermuda to proceed approximately 150 miles east-northeast of Bermuda.“The helicopter made its rendezvous with the tanker and safely winched onboard the seriously injured Chief Officer. The helicopter returned to Bermuda and landed the 35-year-old man to an awaiting ambulance which sped him to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for urgent treatment.“The helicopter had taken the joining ship's Captain and Chief Engineer to the ship during the outbound journey to collect the injured officer. Now that the ship has a new Captain and Chief Engineer in place, the decision has been made to bypass Bermuda and proceed to Freeport in the Bahamas.“That decision was based on forecast weather conditions that would have hampered the continuation of the mission to land the deceased at Bermuda during the hours of darkness tonight.”