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Senator Wilson pays parking fine

Senator Kim Wilson leaves Magistrates' Court after paying her parking ticket.

Senator Kim Wilson ended the controversy over her parking ticket by paying the $50 at Magistrates’ Court this morning.As previously reported, the Minister of Economy Trade and Industry got the ticket on her government car on Wednesday.In a voicemail message responding to inquiries by this newspaper that day, Sen Wilson indicated she expected the ticket to be cancelled.She explained she’d spoken to the head parking warden as ministerial cars do not usually receive parking tickets and was told the fine would be “sorted out”.The news prompted condemnation from members of the public, who responded with comments that ministers should pay to park like everyone else.An informal poll on this website showed 90 percent of the 596 readers who voted felt that way.Corporation of Hamilton Secretary Ed Benevides said while traffic wardens may have an informal policy of not ticketing ministerial cars, ministers are not exempt from the usual parking rules.This morning, Sen Wilson sent an e-mail saying: “I did attend at the Magistrates’ Court, and paid the fine imposed.”She also said: “I have to admit that on reflection, I regret my comment left on [the] voice mail. While I stated what I believed was the accurate position as a custom, I could have tempered both my comments and tone.”Sen Wilson explained she was in “somewhat of a rush” to respond to an e-mail inquiring about the ticket.However, she added: “I only wish some of my comments on issues of more importance which affect the day to day lives of our citizens, such as how to help find Bermudians who are out of work find jobs and other substantive issues engendered the same level of public interest.”